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Set your business apart

We have access to more data than ever before, and how we deal with all this data is more important than ever. Not just to the individual or respondent behind the data, but to your consumers and clients as well.Protecting personal data and delivering...

Catalogue: Webinars 2017
Authors: Joke Ruwen, Kim Smouter-Umans, Enrique Domingo de Bias, Reg Baker, Hana Huntova
November 7, 2017


ESOMAR and GRBN joint Webinar: Using incentives and sweepstakes in international online research

This webinar takes that guidance and explains in further detail what every researcher should know about incentives and sweepstakes. Expert speakers will guide you through the key issues for professional best practice, how to avoid some of the legal...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Authors: Mario Callegaro, Enrique Domingo de Bias, Debrah Harding
June 15, 2016