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Can Social Listening Obsolete All Other Research Methodologies?

This report showcases how Haleon (formerly GSK Consumer Healthcare), in an effort to stay ahead of the game on deep human understanding, has harnessed the exponential growth of data coming from social media and e-commerce with Semantiweb, a company...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Nicolas Pochart, Pierre Antoine Dubosc
September 29, 2023


ANA/AFE #SeeHer movement addresses unconscious bias in media

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA), and its subcommittee, the Alliance for Family Entertainment (AFE) launched #SEEHER, a movement to increase accurate portrayal of women and girls in media. Advertising and entertainment programming are a...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Gary Getto, Jim Bechtold, Joel Klein, Shelley Zalis
November 7, 2017


Diamonds or dust

Indian FMCG's checkered innovation record of 23 proven successes out of 16,914 new launches in 2012 piqued our interest here at Nestlé India. An examination of what it takes to win at innovation long term was undertaken and yielded startling...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Amit Bali, Ritanbara Mundrey
June 15, 2016


The client talk show: Brand tracking revelations

Most clients are on a quest to continuously review and improve the services they provide, both centrally and locally. One of our panelists set out on a journey that gave place to a big debate. They conducted a large benchmarking exercise, with...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Patricio Pagani, Alexis Vernon, Isabelle Herbert Collet, Reed Cundiff, Begonia Fafian
June 15, 2015


Tracking the footprint of the digital consumer

The explosion of new technology not only created new paradigm in the way we communicate, but has also altered our lifestyles and opened up a lot of new possibilities to those of us who would have never dreamed of traveling to places or buying things...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Heather Dougherty, Maria Domoslawska
June 15, 2014


Smartphone penetration and technology adoption in global comparison

From a global perspective online penetration rates vary significantly. However, due to the increase in penetration of connected devices (especially smartphones and tablets) all countries globally have seen a strong uplift in online access over the...

Catalogue: Digital Dimensions 2014: (Online + Big Data + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Authors: Ingo Knuth, Thomas Park
June 15, 2014


From BoP to emerging middle classes in Latin America

The Bottom of the Pyramid represents an exciting target segment for many consumer goods companies - in Brazil alone there are 2.2 million households with a disposable income below US$2,500. In order to reach these consumers, businesses must first of...

Catalogue: Latin America 2014: Accelerating Growth
Authors: Sarah Boumphrey, Scott Rencher
June 15, 2014