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Research papers

Pushing the envelope

For these reasons, the agency conducted the following study in the summer of 1999 to explore the feasibility of data collection via the Internet and to compare the response rates and survey results obtained using three alternative Web-based...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Authors: Andrew Elder, Tony Incalcatera
June 20, 2000

Research papers

Pop-up surveys

The pop-up survey has been one of the most positive contributions to web site research in the brief history of Internet research. The technique became widely used after the pioneering work of Micael Dahlen (1998) on the Swedish web site Passagen. So...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: Pete Comley
June 15, 2000

Research papers

The impact of the Internet on the selling and distribution of cars

There is currently unprecedented attention being focussed on car retailing and distribution. The speed of growth of the Internet retailing phenomenon has caught most traditional retailers “napping” and in the main they have been forced out...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: David Jamieson
June 15, 2000

Research papers


What belter way to explore new marketing and market research issues such as these than to be given the opportunity to examine recent ESOMAR papers on the subject? I trust I have managed to select a number that you will find both informative and...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: Richard Brookes
June 15, 2000

Research papers

An email from the edge

It is a complex, tangled and now seemingly somewhat fragile web that we have woven. The online population is now around 260 million people, just over 40% in the US. We are probably headed for 300 million this year. It has at least doubled since the...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: David Pring
June 15, 2000

Research papers

Conducting marketing and opinion research using the Internet

ESOMAR has issued this Guideline to protect the interests both of Internet respondents and of the users of Internet research findings. Because information technology and the Internet are evolving and changing so rapidly it is not practicable to...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 15, 2000

Research papers

The Internet and the changing role of market research

Internet based research is very experimental in nature due to the rapid development of the Internet. Because of this rapid growth, theory has been slow to catch up. As Harris (1997) points out, marketing activities on the Internet can largely be...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Authors: Peet Venter, Meyer Prinsloo
June 15, 2000

Research papers

Ethology and the web

The core reason for this paper is that Web surveys bear little resemblance in terms of their execution to the current dominant methods of survey data collection. In the United States, CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) still...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: Andrew Jeavons
June 15, 2000

Research papers

CATI, CAPI and web interviews

The Internet offers several versatile new technologies which can be applied not only to interviewing Internet users but also as a new and superior means to solve problems for which CAPl is presently used. Internet-based interviewing is not just for...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.10: Marketing Research in a .com Environment
Author: Iain MacKay
June 15, 2000