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Research papers

Provo as a mass movement

We will primarily have to go into the thinking models and patterns of PROVO and the campaigns that arose around PROVO, and those that were instigated by PROVO or constituted a response to PROVO. In view of the nature of the PROVO movement, it is...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Leopold van Ravesteijn
June 15, 1969

Research papers

Negro and white attitudes towards problems and progress in race relations in the United States

Considerable research is being conducted in the United States directed toward obtaining a better understanding of Negro and white attitudes towards problems and progress in race relations in America, Opinion Research Corporation has conducted a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Robert M. Worcester
June 15, 1969

Research papers

Broadscale projection methods from test marketing data

The present paper is one of a series of reports by the authors on empirical research which has been conducted by the authors since 1967 into the problems of introducing new products. A survey of contemporary practice has highlighted the areas which...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Authors: Roy Hayhurst, Gordon S.C. Wills
June 15, 1969

Research papers

An industrial marketing problem pricing of products for substitution

Pricing methods for industrial products are sometimes (as in France for instance) less sophisticated than methods used for pricing consumer goods. There are a number of reasons for this difference, one of which is the specificity of each industrial...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Pierre Jourdan
June 15, 1969

Research papers

Passive learning from television

The purpose of this paper is to identify some of the differences between passive and active learning, and to suggest some implications for education and for television.

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Authors: Herbert E. Krugman, Eugene L. Hartley
June 15, 1969

Research papers


A special study consisting of a survey among 326 housewives, has shown that the friendliness effect in product tests is minimised if the method below is used: The interviewer shows three packs with the same contents, but with different code...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Johan J. M. van Tulder
June 15, 1969

Research papers

Selection and training of interviewers

The methods of interviewer selection in current use are examined, reference being made to those described by Dr. Noelle Neumann and Mr. Paul Berent in their papers read at the Esomar Congress in Evian in 1962. The interviewer selection methods used...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Joan Macfarlane Smith
June 15, 1969

Research papers

Strategic decision

Company management is often faced with the problem of choosing between strategies with a multitude of consequences whose overall effects are difficult to assess. The manager is liable to overestimate the importance of some factors of which experience...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Robert Jeanteur
June 15, 1969

Research papers

A marketing information system

The complexity of modern business is such that it is sometimes necessary for us to stand back and try to find an underlying theory or concept on which to hang all the various otherwise dissociated problems and events. The purpose of this paper is to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: David Miln
June 15, 1969