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Research papers


Customers are increasingly demanding, and successful companies need to design and introduce new ways to offer customer value. However, the process is not complete until they design control systems, provide a support decision tool able to identify and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Núria Agell, Lluis Martinez-Ribes, Mònica Casabayó, Juan Carlos Aguado
September 23, 2001

Research papers

A segmentation of online and offline shoppers

The paper describes an in-depth segmentation analysis of online and offline shopper activity and explores the demographic and cybergraphic similarities and differences among the various segments. In addition, key driver analysis provided us with a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Lori Iventosch-James, Katie Lamont, Kyle Karnes
Company: Harris Interactive (Europe)
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Web site evaluation and the language of web design

In recent years, since the advent of the Internet and Web-based communication, business operators have come face to face with a series of entirely new needs for knowledge. One such need is topical in the extreme: it concerns the design and evaluation...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Author: Giorgio Licastro
Company: GfK
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Joined up research on the eHighway

This paper discusses the research challenges faced by Egg, a leading Internet bank in the United Kingdom, and describes the innovative approach it has taken both in its use of research methodologies and in the technology of the Internet to increase...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Mark Pearson, Tim Macer
Company: EGG Research & Consultancy Ltd.
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Recognizing the role of the consumer in pharmaceutical research

Greater access to information has allowed people to be more involved in their healthcare to the point where many health conditions can now be viewed as quasi-consumer markets. This creates a new landscape for marketers where customization is the key...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Sharon Spiers, Mark Blakely
September 23, 2001

Research papers

New data collection techniques

This paper cautions against rushing toward new data collection technologies and instead urges an assessment where and when they are appropriate. Only a small amount of primary research on this has been undertaken, and as such the assertions are...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Rana Tassabehji, Russell King
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Ready, fire... aim

This paper argues that semiotic and cultural analysis is the best and quickest way to first assess what is going on in any marketplace, before embarking on any other kind of developmental consumer research. It shows why this form of investigation is...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Author: Monty Alexander
September 23, 2001

Research papers

How to retain the image of a leader in changing business environment

The paper considers the case of the BeeLine brand in the context of the rapid changes in the market situation in the Russian telecom industry before and after the financial crisis of 1998. The BeeLine story exemplifies the diffusion of the innovation...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Elena Mosicheva, Tatiana Folomeeva
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Drop-down, radio buttons, or fill-in-the-blank?

When it comes to Web surveys, the type of attribute rating scale used does matter. Based upon data collected during the Burke Strategic Consulting Group's recent Workforce Perspectives® study, this paper shows how responses to drop-down box, radio...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Allen Hogg, Jaci Jarrett-Masztal
Company: Burke, Inc.
September 23, 2001