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Research papers

The beauty and the beast

As open as qualitative research is, it is hard to take a really good look with an open mind, without any presumptions. On top of that, for clients it is difficult to see their own hidden views, the prejudice-without-knowing. We present a narrative...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Tibor van Bekkum, Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Insight mining with positive psychology

Positive affect has been shown to increase creativity and problem-solving (Isen et al, 1987) and interventions developed from positive psychology, the scientific study of well-being, have been shown to increase engagement, verbal fluidity and...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Author: Stacy Graiko
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Creating a new playbook

The biggest challenge to the future of qualitative research is that more and more people who do not understand the qualitative paradigm are able to conduct projects, using sophisticated tools, without the knowledge of how to conduct and analyse...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Author: Ray Poynter
November 20, 2013

Research papers

How many people said that?

Establishing what drives behaviour, motivates change, or what a future might look like, is not as simple as asking people the question. To address different kinds of questions qualitative market research generates different kinds of data, uses...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Author: Jon Chandler
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Why ditching depth is dangerous

Qualitative research is one of the most effective ways of understanding the major issues facing society. However, in the race to generate instant insight and technological solutions, researchers are at risk of overlooking the fundamental strengths of...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Michael Thompson, Michael McLean
Company: Opinion Leader
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Uncompromising intimacy: The route to transformational ideas

This is a story of transformation, of a company set on transforming healthcare and research that focused on ‘uncompromising intimacy’ to deliver transformational insight. 23andMe is a personal DNA service that costs just $99. The company is...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Anita Black, Neil Rothstein
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Qualitative data, integrative frameworks, and the prospect of strategic impact

The qualitative data landscape has shifted considerably. The relevance of traditional forms of qualitative research seems to be in decline; e.g., a number of large and leading client companies are moving to reduce or eliminate focus groups. At the...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Author: Jeffrey Hunter
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Breaking news from the BBC

BBC World Service and User Research Lab, in partnership with the Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University, have developed a digital ethnographic global network that observes 'real' news behaviour synchronously around the world. This project...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Anne Barnsdale, Lisa Bachmann
November 20, 2013

Research papers

Recreating AlaTurca

In order to achieve radical innovation, companies require an increasingly deep understanding of consumers’ wants and needs. Three challenges that consumer insights teams are faced with are detailed, and a design-driven approach offered that...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2013: Brilliant Transformations
Authors: Pieter Desmet, Erkan Balkan, Deger Ozkaramanli, Steven Fokkinga, Eapen George
November 20, 2013