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Research papers

Start With the End in Mind

What if there was a way to bring a laser focus to your research projects that allows you to get more actionableinsights for less budget? A simple switch to thinking about the exact behaviour you want consumers to changecan give you that, and more.

Catalogue: Creativity. Connections. Community.
Author: Elina Halonen
Company: Square Peg Insight
July 15, 2022

Research papers

Globally irrational, locally rational?

Behavioral economics(BE) has been a big trend in market research and as it spreads across the globe, we need to consider whether we're as irrational as we seem to be. Insights from BE are often portrayed as universal human tendencies despite the fact...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2015: Asia Means Business
Author: Elina Halonen
June 15, 2015

Research papers

Escaping the chains: How our unconscious limits and frees us

Get inspired to transform how you do research with an interactive demonstration of how to access and alter the consumer's unconscious mind. The science behind many recent research innovations is based on the unconscious: behavioural economics,...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Leigh Caldwell, Elina Halonen
September 10, 2014