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Research reports

Answers to contemporary market research questions

ESOMAR felt that the time was right to produce a new guide to market research. The book was conceived not as a definitive encyclopaedia of research, but rather as a series of provocative questions that researchers could and should ask themselves when...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., Ray Poynter, Sue York
March 1, 2014

Research reports

Notes on how to apply ICC/ESOMAR code

These Notes are designed by ESOMAR to help users of the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research to interpret and apply it in practice. Any further questions about the Code, for example on how to apply it in a specific situation,...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., ICC B.V.
June 15, 2013

Research reports

Notes on how to apply ICC/ESOMAR code (Spanish)

These Notes are designed by ESOMAR to help users of the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research to interpret and apply it in practice. Any further questions about the Code, for example on how to apply it in a specific situation,...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., ICC B.V.
June 15, 2013

Research reports

ICC/ESOMAR international code (Spanish)

The ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics, which was developed jointly with the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), sets out global standards for self-regulation for researchers and data analysts...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., ICC B.V.
June 15, 2012

Research reports

Guide on distinguishing market research from other data collection activities

The ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research has always included a requirement for members to maintain the distinction between market research and commercial activities such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 15, 2009

Research reports

Guide on distinguishing market research from other data collection activities (Spanish)

The ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research has always included a requirement for members to maintain the distinction between market research and commercial activities such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 15, 2009

Research reports

ICC/ESOMAR international code (Japanese)

The ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics, which was developed jointly with the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), sets out global standards for self-regulation for researchers and data analysts...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., ICC B.V.
June 15, 2007

Research reports


In September 1997 ESOMAR celebrates both its 50th Congress and the start of its 50th anniversary year. This would seem the appropriate time to review the changes that have taken place in the world of marketing research, and the way in which ESOMAR...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 1998

Research reports

Interviewing for market and opinion research

The Dutch Information and Public Relations Centre Your Opinion Counts took the initiative in 1992 to develop a training and examination programme for interviewers in The Netherlands. The training consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications
Authors: Ed A. van Eunen, ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 1995