Interviewing for market and opinion research

Date of publication: September 1, 1995

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications


The Dutch Information and Public Relations Centre Your Opinion Counts took the initiative in 1992 to develop a training and examination programme for interviewers in The Netherlands. The training consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The NVvM (Dutch Association of Market Researchers) fitted the examination into its existing series of marketing research examinations and in the beginning of 1994 we were all set to start. That same year more than 500 candidates passed the examination and received the official Market Research Interviewer Certificate. ESOMAR followed and encouraged these Dutch activities from the very beginning. During the Annual Congress in Davos in 1994, the ESOMAR Council decided that the Dutch training and examination scheme should be made available to other member-countries. The book before you is the result of that decision. Part I is a translation of Ed van Eunen's Dutch book. Part II is a translation of documents used for the NVvM Market Research Interviewer Examination. All the parties concerned sincerely hope that this book will be of benefit to you if and when you decide to introduce this training and examination for interviewers in your own country. It goes without saying that all the Dutch examples, regulations and case histories quoted in this book will have to be adapted to your local situation.

Ed A. van Eunen


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