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Research papers

M.M.I.S- From information to action

A MMIS still is a sensitive, fragile plant. There is a need to cultivate it properly, unless we do not want to take the risk, that the fascination, which came along with the idea to install a MMIS, turns into frustration. So, my critical attitude is...

Catalogue: Seminar 1984: Market Research And M.M.I.S.
Author: Werner Retzlaff
January 25, 1984

Research papers

Tymcon service 1

Marketing people need a flexible computerized tool to analyze, plan, model and forecast changing marketing situations. They need to constantly ask those countless, hypothetical "what-if" questions across many variables. But they also need an...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Information Systems In Action
Author: Werner Retzlaff
June 15, 1980