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Research papers


The men?s cosmetics market represents a burgeoning sector within the beauty industry. According to Euromonitor, the Chinese men?s skincare and makeup market expanded at an average annual rate of 13.5% between 2016 and 2019, significantly outpacing...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024
Authors: Andrew Steel, Catherine Qiu, Felicity Wang, Ying Hu
Companies: Euromonitor International, LOreal
November 19, 2024

Research papers

She? He? They?

Marketing, communication, sales and other aspects of brand-related actions are strongly based on a rarely challenged dichotomy: for females versus for males. Gender differences are permanently embedded in brand strategies, to the extent that this...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Marta Bierca, Milena Morawiec
Companies: MindTheGap, WiseRabbit
September 23, 2024

Research papers

What Do Women Think?

While most companies implement HR and CX policies that try to fix gender inequality, non-written corporate/organisational cultures often operate as a barrier slowing down or even hurting the equality-goal. Brands on the other hand seem to be making a...

Catalogue: Latin America 2024
Authors: Adrian Kohan, Olga Bocanegra
Companies: Natura & Co (Avon), Gentedemente
April 24, 2024

Research papers

Domestic dudes

This paper focuses on the manifestation of masculinity in the domestic space in India, one that demonstrates signs of reduction of gender differences and of emergence of alternative domestic masculinity that actively engages itself with everyday...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Author: Sandeep Dutta
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 16, 2016

Research papers

Leveraging and empowering Cambodia's other half

Gender inequality is a global issue, and of particular concern in Cambodia, but by how much? And how are gender dynamics changing, if at all, among younger cohorts? This study investigates the current state of gender dynamics in Cambodia, especially...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Rebecca L. Norris, Layhour Sao
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 22, 2016

Research papers

Launching of the geo magazine in the federal republic of Germany and two years later in France and the United States

The subject of this report are the specific details concerning the launching of the GEO magazine. All other details that were taken into consideration like the analysis of the market, the competition, the target groups, the marketing objectives, etc....

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Publishing in the 1980's
Author: Imre Breuer
June 15, 1981