
Date of publication: November 19, 2024

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2024


The men?s cosmetics market represents a burgeoning sector within the beauty industry. According to Euromonitor, the Chinese men?s skincare and makeup market expanded at an average annual rate of 13.5% between 2016 and 2019, significantly outpacing the global average of 5.8%. This growth reflects a broader trend of men consumers placing increasing importance on their appearance, embracing makeup as a tool to conceal imperfections and express individuality. Men perceive makeup as a means to enhance attractiveness, unlock opportunities and bolster confidence. However, the market currently lacks makeup products explicitly designed for men, leading to a dearth of relatable representations for men consumers. LOreal, driven by its vision to ?Create the Beauty That Moves the World?, aspires to provide all individuals with superior beauty products that prioritise quality, efficacy, safety, sincerity and responsibility. Meeting the needs of men consumers requires deep empathy and understanding. By stepping into their shoes, we can gain critical insights into their perceptions of makeup, current usage behaviours, frustrations and aspirations.

Andrew Steel


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Catherine Qiu


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Felicity Wang


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Ying Hu


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