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Research papers

Case history of a 16-country survey

In 1969 the European Editions of The Reader's Digest conducted a multi-country survey in 16 countries of Western Europe. I propose to tell you something of how we did it: the problems we met, the actions we took and what we think we learned....

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Edward W. Whitley
June 15, 1971

Research papers


I have referred to comparability in a very limited sense, namely the exact replication of research methods across a number of countries. I have done so because comparability is so often discussed in these terms, or because it is felt - whether...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Paul Howard Berent
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Some problems in multi-country advertising research

In this paper I will describe two multi-country advertising research studies which have been carried out by my company during the past three years. These studies have highlighted a number of problems and have taught us some lessons about how to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Peter A. Rusby
Company: ESSO
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Report-back from working group I

At the end of the first day, considerable discussion took place on the advantages and disadvantages of using chains of organisations. It was thought that the papers of Whitley, Haines, Berent and Jarvis nicely presented the arguments for: Central...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Robert M. Worcester
June 15, 1971

Research papers

The people and gold

The People and Gold is the title of a consumer research project carried out by InterScan during 1969. The project was concerned with investigating the consumer markets for gold in a number of countries. We took the title from one of the items in the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: M. Haines
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Some reflections on the measurement of basic attitudes in a multi-country context

Studying the differences that exist in the patterns of consumption in the different countries it becomes evident, that a number of these differences is hard to explain. To give an illustration: How does one explain that in the Netherlands 98 % of the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Authors: Peter L. F. de Jong, F. Meyers
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Report-back from working group II

During the discussion periods the Group was concerned partly with questions and issues arising out of individual papers, partly with more general issues relating to the problems of international research and ESOMAR activities in this connection....

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: John Downham
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Report-back from working group III

As a whole the discussions in group three gave the following conclusions: 1. Independent from the methods, the organisation is the main problem of a multi-country survey; 2. Coordination must be done from one central point. Identical-sampling,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Jan D. Noordhoff
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Multi-country research

The purpose of this paper is to discuss briefly the organisation of the international research functions within the agency. International market researchers often discuss the problems of planning and executing individual multi-national surveys but, I...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Ian Jarvis
June 15, 1971