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Embedding insight team as change catalysts

Learn, share and try out techniques which position Insight teams as the catalyst for change within organisations based on Sky's Customer Closeness strategies.

Catalogue: Client Summit 2019- Autumn Edition
Authors: Ed Nash, Holly Clark, Sarah Jousiffe
Company: Sky Limited
October 3, 2019


Live lens: Getting closer to consumers

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Helvetica}As social communication has evolved, so has the way we connect with consumers for research. Our real-time Live Lens methodology uses familiar feedback mechanisms and allows consumers to...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Ellie Inman, Emma Bennett
Company: Sky Limited
September 8, 2019