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Research papers

Are we getting worse at political polling?

The accuracy of polling has been under the serious spotlight over the last couple of years. This paper is a summary of analysis conducted on an international database of 31310 polls from 473 elections and voting events across 40 countries around the...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Jon Puleston
Company: Kantar
September 3, 2017

Research papers

Is shopping cultured?

What goes through your mind when you make a shopping decision? What do you think about? How do you decide? How does this vary when you buy different things? How do different people think? This is the question that Lightspeed and Netquest explored and...

Catalogue: Latin America 2017: #IN
Authors: Alexander Wheatley, Jon Puleston, Joaquim Bretcha
Companies: Netquest, Kantar
June 15, 2017

Research papers

How can a Chinese manufacturer discover their international customers through integrated methodologies?

Target consumers for many Chinese manufacturers are based internationally, and accessing an accurate view of their audience is more imperative than for those living in the same culture as their market. As Chervon expands further into the US and...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Jeff Tsui, Alex Tu
Company: Kantar
May 9, 2017

Research papers

The segmentation revival

This paper is a practical guide to designing efficient cross cultural segmentation research in response to the growing revival of interest in this form of research from the global marketing industry. It is based upon the authors' collective...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Alexander Wheatley, Jason Brownlee, Jon Puleston
Company: Kantar
May 9, 2017

Research papers

Respondent engagement

Automation makes it easy to ask more from our respondents without fully considering the impact on engagement. While video and voice techniques offer hope to increase insight, do these just make it more difficult to engage respondents? We examined the...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Sherri Stevens, Stefan Kuegler, Jason Morris
Companies: KANTAR TNS Malaysia, Kantar
September 22, 2016

Research papers

Head or heart

In the world of market research there are few parties who come in for more scrutiny than political pollsters. With so much emotion riding on a clear outcome it is understandable that people pay attention. A large portion of market research...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Author: Alexander Wheatley
Company: Kantar
September 22, 2016

Research papers

A quantum leap for the research industry

Ascription is a data science method which we have adopted to cut long questionnaires for mobile surveys, shorten the length and decrease the cost of large tracking desktop surveys. Using proprietary mathematical and statistical algorithms, responses...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Steve Wigmore, Martin Dimov
Company: Kantar
September 22, 2016

Research papers

The quest to design the perfect icon

This paper outlines our quest to design the perfect icon for use in surveys and understand more about the effective role of visuals in surveys.

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Jon Puleston, Satsuki Suzuki
Company: Kantar
October 1, 2015

Research papers

Are you paying attention?

Mobile devices have opened up market research opportunities. Yet, the anywhere, anytime aspects of mobile data collection can affect research quality with additional distractions and loss of attentiveness. This paper supports a current multi-cell...

Catalogue: Latin America 2015: Carnival of Insights
Authors: Sherri Stevens, Stefan Kuegler, Jorge Alagon, Efrain Ribeiro
Companies: KANTAR TNS Malaysia, Kantar
June 15, 2015