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Research papers

Loyalty cards

In the United Kingdom, the retail loyalty card market has become highly developed within a very short space of time. Whilst several retailer schemes have existed for a number of years, it has been the relatively recent launch of loyalty card...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Author: Rowena Patterson
Company: Ipsos MRBI
June 15, 1997

Research papers

New insights for retail range development in the toiletries market

This paper discusses an approach to retail range development and category management for the toiletries and cosmetics sector on a multi- country basis. The paper develops a retail structure model for a number of national markets. Having looked at the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Authors: Mike Harris, Remi Vazeille
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Optimising performance and profitability of retail stores

This paper will present a method of assessing the performance of each store in a chain to determine the optimum performance potential and identify opportunities to improve performance. It will illustrate how this technique has been successfully used...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Author: Douglas Parker
Company: Douglas Parker Associates (Pty) Ltd.
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Evolution of the retail structure in Hungary

There are some geographical regions where the changing retail scene was, or is, a kind of revolution. The central and eastern European countries go from centrally planned and supplied retail systems through privatisation to the phase of initial trade...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Author: Eva Nevihostenyi
June 15, 1997

Research papers

International strategy of U.S. retails and the role of market research

The American economy is perhaps in the best condition it has been in the past fifty years. The same cannot be said of retailing, which has been struggling for three years. The struggle revolves around a changing competitive environment as well as...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Authors: David J. Rachman, Swee L. Chia
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Store loyalty, frequency of shopping and their determinants

With the increasing concern for customer satisfaction, loyalty has come increasingly into focus in marketing planning and marketing strategy. This also applies to retailing. However, as the present paper will show, in a retailing context, loyalty is...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Authors: Flemming Hansen, Foul K. Faarup, Antje Christensen
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Are you ready to shop on-line?

This paper is based upon the experience of the authors in researching general and specialized retailing and consumer behaviour, on related research projects in other countries and on a research program regarding the Internet Consumer, whose aim was...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Authors: Carlos Liz, Rui Almeida
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Buying loyalty VS. building commitment developing

The paper examines the role of customer loyalty in maximising opportunity, and will argue that loyalty, as measured by customer spending, is simply a reflection of short-term behaviour and can only be sustained by one of two routes: building the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Author: Trevor Richards
June 15, 1997

Research papers

Development of petrol retailing in the United Kingdom

This paper describes the revolution in petrol retailing in the United Kingdom; a revolution initiated by the major supermarket operators and which has resulted in the oil companies losing 25 % of their market share and f 1 billion in revenues. The...

Catalogue: Seminar 1997: The Changing Retail Scene
Author: Jonathan P. Shingleton
Company: The BPRI Group
June 15, 1997