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Research papers

Predicting consumers' acceptance of new video technologies

This article overviews consumers interests in new video technologies, which will deliver both high quality video entertainment and Internet/information services, in other words video technologies which bring convergence. Two independent sets of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Seminar 1998: Electronic Media And Measurement Trends
Authors: Bruce Goerlich, Denman Maroney, Roberta M. McConochie
Company: Nielsen
June 15, 1998

Research papers

On the appreciation process of art objects and the experience of visiting an exhibition in an art museum

Managers of art museums and of other similar organisations such as art galleries are therefore increasingly turning to marketing to help them better understand and satisfy the needs and wants of their various publics. This paper reports some...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: Research And Marketing For The Arts
Authors: Carole P. Duhaime, Annamma Joy, Christopher A. Ross
June 15, 1990

Research papers

The self-service bank

Banking with private customers in the Federal Republic of Germany undergoes a radical change with economic and social consequences for our country which cannot yet be foreseen. Among others it concerns the distribution of meanwhile about 2 billions...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1986: Anticipation And Decision Making
Author: Wolfgang Hesse
Company: Produkt + Markt GmbH & Co. KG
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The self-service bank (German)

Banking with private customers in the Federal Republic of Germany undergoes a radical change with economic and social consequences for our country which cannot yet be foreseen. Among others it concerns the distribution of meanwhile about 2 billions...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1986: Anticipation And Decision Making
Author: Wolfgang Hesse
Company: Produkt + Markt GmbH & Co. KG
June 15, 1986

Research reports

Qualitative research on Cinzano

Exposure to the advertising reinforces Cinzano Bianco as avery acceptable drink to consumers related particularly toholidays and casual drinking situations where all drink isincidental to the enjoyment. The refreshing qualities andmixability were...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
September 1, 1977

Research papers

A manufacturer's approach to the problems of varieties within a brand range

This paper will discuss some of the considerations that a manufacturer of strongly branded food products takes into account when facing the opportunities and problems of extending the range of varieties presented by a single brand. It offers no grand...

Catalogue: Seminar 1975: Product Range Policy In Retailing And Co-operation With Manufacturers
Author: B. Thorogood
August 1, 1975

Research papers

Structuring the market for heavy duty detergents

The experiment is aimed at structuring the market for heavy duty detergents. The problem that posed itself with regard to this experiment was: Is it possible to find this structure with the aid of multidimensional scaling (MDS)? The idea behind the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1975: Quality In Research
Authors: Pim Asselbergs, Eddy Bogaerts
August 1, 1975

Research papers

A check on results of industrial market research

The case we should like to show to you today demonstrates the usefulness of continual research in the industrial market and also the necessity of this kind of research. It shows the value of comparing the results of different industrial studies in...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1967
Author: F. C. G. De Buijzer
Company: NIPO
August 1, 1967

Research papers

Demonstration of a new factor for discrimination of types of behaviour in connection with buying, attitudes towards new products and reactions to publicity (French)

Commercial activity is no longer considered as having to apply to the entire population, but rather addresses itself to a clearly-defined sector which is given the name of "target consumers". It will at once be appreciated that a knowledge of the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1966
Author: Claude Matricon
September 1, 1966