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Research papers

Reach/frequency and optimization challenges as traditional media go digital

The 'long tail' of digital media creates new challenges, not only for audience measurement but also for the design of media research databases, analytical systems and reach/frequency models. Current reach/frequency and optimization models generally...

Catalogue: WM3 2010: Your Audience = Media Consumer + Generator
Authors: Tony Jarvis, Pete Walsh
October 21, 2010

Research papers

Effects of frequent participation on panellists' responses

This paper addresses the impact of frequent responders on online panel research.Results from two studies are reported, comparing the demographics and survey responses of panel members who are frequent survey responders to those of less frequent...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Linda Piekarski, Terrence Coen, Jacqueline Lorch
Company: Research Now SSI
April 17, 2005

Research papers

The Canadian experience in developing an outdoor reach & frequency model

This paper describes the utilization of GPS/cellular technology to record routes/distances traveled by respondents and therefore the opportunity to be exposed to outdoor advertising, providing the opportunity to build reach against various...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2003: Out of Home/Ambient Media
Authors: Joanne van der Burgt, Mary E. Falbo
June 20, 2003

Case studies

Make a wish

To date, the majority of research metrics have been largely geared towards direct marketers. Recently more tools are becoming available to allow organizations to measure the brand effectiveness of their online campaigns using relevant metrics such as...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Conference Worldwide Online Measurement 2001
Authors: Ethan Rapp, Mainak Mazumdar, Julie Hootkin
June 1, 2001

Research papers

Caught in the web

The author recently analyzed Nielsen//NetRatings reach, frequency and click-through data for several popular Internet domains. The purpose of the analysis was to determine how excessive frequency of exposure to banner ads impacts click-through...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Conference Worldwide Online Measurement 2001
Author: Craig T. Gugel
June 1, 2001

Research papers

Four week radio survey

This paper develops NBD models and new evaluation methods for estimating the reach and frequency distribution. The models were developed in order to address the radio industry’s requirements of ‘flighting’ and schedule variation from...

Catalogue: ARF/ESOMAR Worldwide Radio 2001
Authors: Alexandra Lyall, Mark Neely, Campbell M. Rungie
Company: Nielsen
April 1, 2001

Research papers

Improving multi country media planning

The paper describes a project that has been launched in Switzerland (MUST) and is proposed to be extended internationally. A common currency for intermedia planning across national borders has yet to be established. Since reach figures need a high...

Catalogue: Seminar 1998: Towards Total Communications Strategies
Author: Erwin Weibel
October 20, 1998

Research papers

Untangling the confusion of TV scheduling theories

Complex theories of how advertising works in terms of response, repetition and decay have been merged and confused with the audience- delivery-based media planning concepts of reach and frequency. This paper discusses distinctions that should be made...

Catalogue: Seminar 1998: Towards Total Communications Strategies
Author: Jayne Zenaty Spittler
October 20, 1998

Research papers

The implications for publishers of recent research into effective frequency

In the last two years the amount of published diagnostic information on effective frequency has increased considerably. Most of this work, which challenges much current established thinking, has been concerned solely with television, but in itself...

Catalogue: Seminar 1995: Strategic Publishing And Advertising Accountability
Author: Alan Smith
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 1, 1995