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Research papers

Sustainable tourism

This paper explores the topic of sustainable tourism, making the case that it is the next big opportunity for Latin America. It does this by first introducing sustainable tourism as a concept and identifying key stakeholders who can be impacted by...

Catalogue: Latin America 2020 - Insights Festival
Author: Julia Fillingame
Company: Euromonitor International
October 19, 2020

Research papers

Reading the tea leaves

Do you want to foresee the future? Then, why not create it? We'll show how we access to ideas/ images of the future that are 'submerged' deep in consumers' mind and weave them into a compelling story for brands to realise their desirable future.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Authors: Akiko Hoshi, Rumiko Ayusawa, Haruka Sugino
November 10, 2019

Research papers

Building a bridge between UX and analysts

Striking meaningful conversations with analytics. In companies where analytics resources are scarce, how can user researchers start to have meaningful conversations with analysts in order to work on impactful research together?

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Author: Paula Herrera
Company: GetYourGuide
November 10, 2019

Research papers

Quick qual manifesto

From ethnography to rapid ethnography to insights sprints, it seems like there is a constant request for faster results. How can we tackle this without compromising the essence of user-centered design? Quick Qual Manifesto aims to explain how.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Authors: Nasly Liliana Galindo Quiroga, Gabriel Escalante
Company: INSITUM
November 10, 2019

Research papers

Global insights transformation the high-tech way

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}In this case study, Robert Adams (Vice President Global Human Insights, Visa Inc.) will describe the foundations for transformation the high-tech way, identifying key best practices...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Robert Adams, Elizabeth P. Morgan
September 8, 2019

Research papers

Content-based research

The objective of this paper is to describe the four stages to create a successful digital laboratory, which allows, for example, testing territories of communication in social networks. This would mean that it is possible to pre-test the content of a...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Author: Erick Morales Donde
Company: De La Riva Group
April 7, 2019

Research papers

Looking inside the Digi-Qual Toolbox

As a result, new digital qualitative methodologies have emerged to begin to address these and other challenges. Based on the ESOMAR Global Market Research 2018 industry report, 43% of qualitative research is conducted using online methodologies (i.e....

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Garnette Weber, Cláudia Mota, Dalila Antonacachi
Companies: Fine, Itracks
April 7, 2019

Research papers

Unifying measures of customer experience and satisfaction

Satisfaction measurement at Microsoft has evolved from a singularly sourced and scrutinised version of the truth to a more frequent and holistic measurement framework, providing a richer understanding of customer and partner health. We’ve...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Jeffrey Mercer, Mareth Cordell
Company: GlobeScan Incorporated
September 23, 2018

Research papers

The small enterprise blueprint

Small Enterprises (SE) organisations with less than 50 employees, are often overlooked by market research agencies. However, in the UK alone SE account for 42% of all UK business turnover. It was in this context of untapped opportunity Northstar...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Alex Holmes, Alex Wilman, Ben Grainger
Company: Northstar Research
September 23, 2018