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Research papers

Time to change time

Most people in the industry will agree that the dynamic of television has changed and that the dynamic of all other media are changing too. Considering that we face a new media environment and that we need to address the stronger than ever demand of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Ken Holden, Gilles Santini
June 23, 2005

Research papers

Fourth generation media planning systems

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a fourth generation media planning system that encompasses at the same time several media and several countries in a multiple objectives perspective.

Catalogue: Seminar 1996: Managing Media Data For Market Profit
Authors: Jean-Louis Laborie, Gilles Santini
November 11, 1996

Research papers

What kind of audience research will be required in future?

This paper begins with a very brief summary of new developments in the television medium and their effect on the likely stracture of the television market going into the next century from the perspective of the viewer and the advertising industry. We...

Catalogue: ESORMAR/ARF Worldwide Electronic And Broadcast Audience Research 1994
Authors: Robert Hulks, Gilles Santini
May 1, 1994

Research papers

Goelette II

Goelette II, which succeeds to Goelette I, is a sales forecasting system for dispatching at the time of each issue MARIE-CLAIRE Group magazines into the distribution network of the "Presse en France". The primary objective of the system is to keep an...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Authors: Gilbert Haas, Gilles Santini
November 25, 1987

Research papers

Opinion polls: How crucial are statistical techniques to get the right figures?

The 1986 french "Elections legislatives" have pointed out that the figures out coming from opinion polls are highly dependant from the statistical techniques involved in the estimation process. Such influence can be observed at three levels : -...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Authors: Sophie Martin, Gilles Santini
Company: IPSOS
June 15, 1986