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Research papers

How to use guided meditation to achieve research Nirvana

Spiritual practices often lead to introspection and perspective. We explored the method of guided meditation to help balding men unlock their deepest fears around hair loss using some of these techniques, which led us to some unexpected insights.

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Gauri Malhotra, Vivian Gonsalves, Sushma Panchawati, Devika Johar
October 6, 2017

Research papers

Turning a corner on negative perceptions of refugees in Europe

The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. At the same time, refugees have negative connotations, with the European public's propensity to help being on shaky ground. In this paper, we, therefore, investigate whether...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Samantha Bond, Patricia Dominguez, Nijat Mammadbayli
Company: SKIM
September 6, 2017

Research papers

Transforming LGBT opponents into allies

Are homosexuals/LGBT people discriminated in your country? Why are opponents' beliefs so deeply rooted? In Cambodia, we learned effective behaviour change solutions that can transform LGBT opponents into allies. Learn how.The first ever report about...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Dany Vinh, Layhour Sao
Company: Kantar
September 4, 2017

Research papers

One is greater than one million

To contribute to society, we usually think about donations. However, if we use our expertise to conduct research to address the burning issues in society, it can bring much more value than we thought.One powerful finding provided by market research...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2016: Get Connected!
Author: Thinh Phan Quang
Company: TITA Research
May 19, 2016


A butterfly's wings: from chaos to opportunity

Today’s consumer juggles multiple devices and uses a diverse set of apps and services, spanning categories and brands, across work and life. Traditional ways of understanding consumer dynamics are insufficient for providing a true picture of a...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Reed Cundiff, Mike Egner, Kelsey Vaughn
Company: Ipsos MRBI
June 15, 2015


Ireland and same-sex marriage

Eliciting reliable and credible data from marginalised populations without compromising their safety is a dream of LGBT advocacy throughout the world. New survey technologies offer such a potential. Working in collaboration with ILGA (International...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Aengus Carroll, Eric Meerkamper
June 15, 2015


From Orkut to Instagram (Spanish)

A lot has been said and written about social media consumers, but few empirical longitudinal studies have been done on them in Latin America. Through this study, we will see how in the past three years, important changes have occurred in the way...

Catalogue: Latin America 2014: Accelerating Growth
Author: Ivan Casas
June 15, 2014


Male, pale and stale?

The benefits of gender diversity on boards and within senior management are well known. In the Davies Report, published in 2011, Lord Davies recommended that companies focus on increasing gender diversity within their companies, and in particular,...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Author: Danielle Todd
June 15, 2013

Research papers

From fragrance to experience

This research demonstrates that advanced consumers tend to reject objects that are made of or associated to the feeling of “artificial” and “chemical”. the current revolution undergoing domestic cleaning products is only an...

Catalogue: Fragrance 2007
Authors: Tiziana Traldi, Sabrina Donzelli
Company: Future Concept Lab s.r.l.
November 14, 2007