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Research papers

Organising market data for decision making through the development of mathematical marketing models

In this paper we concentrate on the explicit relation between models and market data. In order to formulate the subset of data to be stored in the date, bank three rather simple mathematical models are developed, namely: 1. A response model to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Author: Peter S.H. Leeflang
June 15, 1977

Research papers

The role and function of multivariate methods of data analysis in marketing information systems

The purpose of this communication is to analyse the role and the function of statistical methods in the development of Marketing Information Systems. This analysis will be conducted at two main levels: 1. Integration of the bank of statistical...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Authors: Yves Evrard, Patrick Le Maire
June 15, 1977

Research papers

Developing models and software for the marketing department

Today's marketing manager lives in a world of information. This paper addresses the question of how to make the flow of information more meaningful and more productive. We shall talk about an information system that meets the needs of the marketing...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Authors: David Zeitlin, R. Charney, J. Aspden
June 15, 1977

Research papers

Managing data for decision making

This paper discuss how computer based information system can improve the problem solving capabilities of marketing services thereby contributing to more effective decision malting within both the marketing and sales functions. The information source...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Author: C. J. McCallum
June 15, 1977

Research papers

The influence of technical developments on marketing management information systems in retail organisations

This paper shows how much data may be structured into a computer based data bank in a manner which will allow the company to analyse its sales on a seasonal, yearly and possibly 5-yearly basis, in a manner convenient for assisting marketing...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Author: Gil T. Jones
June 15, 1977

Research papers

Express: An interactive marketing and sales management information system

All businesses are faced with gathering information from various sources to enable decision-making to be carried out for the profitability of the organisation as a result of analysing the data. The data can be very varied in its origin. Tor instance,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Authors: T. Book, P. Latour
June 15, 1977

Research papers

The structure and the data-base of the marketing information system at Henkel

The author will outline how this MIS has been developed over two and a half year as an on-line information system via teleprocessing. During the step-wise development of this system, it was necessary to ensure that information of no-or little use was...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Author: Eitelfritz Cabus
June 15, 1977

Research papers

Marketing management information systems for market-oriented companies in centrally planned economy

At the beginning the formulation of a strategy of development of an economic system is presented as a background for Harkoting Information Systems being discussed in this paper. Using' the same illustration I will try to explain the process of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Author: Janusz W. Gociski
June 15, 1977

Research papers

An integrated marketing planning system

In a marketing-oriented company producing fast-moving consumer goods, the role of the Marketing Department in developing the budget is central, but it must be carried out within the constraints constituted by the needs and capacities of other...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Marketing Management Information Systems
Authors: Derek Bloom, Michael Stewart
June 15, 1977