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Can AI bring better insight than humans?

Engaging drama have conflicts. Now many industries are in progress of such a drama to see how AI change the world, feeling some fears if AI steal jobs from us, human. Let's see the progress in MR if "Job to find insight" can be done by AI or not.

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Toshimitsu Sekii, Yohei Takeshita
Companies: Twitter, Kantar
November 2, 2020


Flocks: Unpicking communities on Twitter

In the first study of its kind we explore the digital communities forming on Twitter that live alongside IRL communities, unpicking the fabric of UK Twitter to learn how they form, grow & thrive and their value to Twitter as a service & a...

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Authors: Rob Sanders, Peter Laflin
Companies: Twitter, Join the Dots InSites Consulting, Jaywing
November 10, 2019


Brand purpose: Love it or hate it

Brand purpose marketing seems to be the Marmite of ad land in 2019. Regardless of whether you love it or hate it, we've uncovered 10 learnings on Brand Purpose based in research.

Catalogue: Client Summit 2019- Autumn Edition
Authors: Sara Picazo Lutton, Rob Turnbull
Company: Twitter
October 3, 2019


Twitter and its conversational context (Spanish)

Digital life in our modern world has merged with the analog lives of people. The horizon of human relations, including their deepest needs and interests, has extended to the virtual space of the different social networks that have positioned...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Angel Heredia, Omar Schoijet
Companies: Arconte, Twitter
April 9, 2019


Have I got news for you?!

What did you last read on Twitter? The latest news event? The score from yesterday's football match? Imagine if brands could spread their messages as efficiently as information flows on Twitter. Our research takes the first steps in that direction.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Client Summit 2018- Autumn Edition
Author: Sara Picazo Lutton
Company: Twitter
December 12, 2018


Look who's talking?!

Twitter celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and it has rapidly become part of our everyday language; hashtags are everywhere, from the menu at your local restaurant to the evening news. But - exactly how has Twitter impacted our culture and the...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Authors: Sara Picazo Lutton, Cecily Long
Companies: Flamingo, Twitter
June 15, 2016