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Inside the Gen Z Parental Mind

While less than 10% of Gen Z in the US are parents today, they will increasingly define the parenting landscape. Philips has embarked on a journey to get closer to this crucial audience of (future) parents and future-proof their strategy for the...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Pauline Herbert, Aija Porina, Joeri Van den Bergh, Angie Deceuninck, Marieke Boers
October 1, 2024



What will research look like in 2020 and beyond? Let us take you through a day in the life of a GenZ researcher. This future generation will not only be your newest consumer, but they will also dominate the job market as future researchers and...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Annelies Verhaeghe, Katia Pallini, Joeri Van den Bergh
Company: InSites Consulting
June 15, 2015


Getting close to youth

Based on new qualitative research, workshops and Viacom insights from 10 West, North and Central European markets, discover the five key themes in the lives of Millennials and how to use them both in marketing AND in market research approaches. Is...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2014: Research Renaissance
Authors: Patrick Alders, Martijn Van Bijnen, Joeri Van den Bergh, Anneleen Boullart
Company: InSites Consulting
June 15, 2014


The art of research

A picture shows at a glance what it takes a dozen pages of a book to expound. Working with pictures within market research presents its own challenges and opportunities. Experience the power of images in our research art exhibition. The exhibition...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Annelies Verhaeghe, Alice Merlo, Filip De Boeck, Joeri Van den Bergh, Stefano Taboga
Company: InSites Consulting
June 15, 2013


Think big and connect to the Max

PepsiCo wanted to (re)connect the Ruffles brand with Turkish youngsters. For six weeks a market research online community (MROC) was the central hub in which a dialogue took place between Gen Y, the Ruffles brand team and the advertising agency. In...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Annelies Verhaeghe, Erkan Balkan, Joeri Van den Bergh, Tom De Ruyck
Company: InSites Consulting
June 15, 2013


How cool brands stay hot in CEE

Joeri Van den Bergh, Author of How Cool Brands Stay Hot. Branding to Generation Y (bestselling book on youth marketing together with MTV's global VP Mattias Behrer, translated in Russian, Polish & Czech) and Managing Partner, InSites Consulting,...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2012: Global Fuel For Local Boost!
Author: Joeri Van den Bergh
June 15, 2012