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ESOMAR and GRBN joint Webinar: Using incentives and sweepstakes in international online research

This webinar takes that guidance and explains in further detail what every researcher should know about incentives and sweepstakes. Expert speakers will guide you through the key issues for professional best practice, how to avoid some of the legal...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Authors: Mario Callegaro, Enrique Domingo de Bias, Debrah Harding
June 15, 2016


Fit for purpose

Today's researchers have more ways than before to collect useful data, yet most of us specialize in only one or two methods. And so we squeeze the client's problem into our solution.The University of Georgia's recently revised Principles of Market...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Author: Pete Cape
June 15, 2016


To beacon or not to beacon

The use of beacon and location triggering feedback is one of the latest trends and presents a great opportunity for Market Research organizations. Mobile panel apps using beacon and GPS technology are able to detect the location of a respondent...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Author: Miguel Ramos
June 15, 2016


Future of market research

How do clients see the future of research? Will research remain the voice of the consumers central to the decision making process inside organisations? What is the future role of the client side researcher? These and many other questions on the...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Authors: Finn Raben, Madhumita Chakraborty, Joachim Rittchen, Christian Kurz
June 15, 2016


Top tips to minimise survey fatigue

In this short webinar, Miguel Ramos, Subject Matter Expert, Confirmit, will be sharing top tips to consider when designing an engaging survey. Miguel will talk about the following topics:-Best practices for survey invitations and reminders-Preloading...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Author: Miguel Ramos
June 15, 2016


Video as a data source

Can quantitative research simultaneously identify new insights and confirm market opinions? Can video play a role in quantitative research? Yes it can! Through the creative use of video open ends, you will see that quantitative research can uncover...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Author: Frank Kelly
June 15, 2016



Join us for this interactive introduction to the newly launched Young ESOMAR Society and find out how this membership can add to your growth on an individual level and from a business point of view.ESOMAR’s Young ESOMAR Society (YES) is a...

Catalogue: Webinars 2016
Authors: Neda Eneva, Eline Meijer van Putten
June 15, 2016