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Research papers

Driving consumers' brand perception and engagement

Bad ads create bad experiences for consumers and negatively impact your brand. It is critical to know what creative element or pattern can help drive brand performance and direct response. However, creative A/B tests or lab tests with facial...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Minh Nguyen, Tomoya Naohara, Kosuke Yoshida
Companies: Google, INTAGE HOLDINGS Inc.
November 2, 2020

Research papers

What you see (is NOT) what you get

The ad impact is often not obvious. Surveys provide blurry and quite contradictory answers. Behavioural tools turned out to be a godsend! By testing top brand campaigns with nonconscious research tools, we received unexpected non-trivial insights.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Author: Dmitry Gaiduk
Company: CoolTool Inc
November 10, 2019

Research papers

Discovering new actionable insights with AI

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}Course5's approach proposes to complement traditional ad-testing and provide insights support to the brand marketer through a simple online tool that uses AI to mine past data and...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Sunita Venkataraman, Manish MIttal
Company: Course5 Intelligence
September 8, 2019

Research papers

Unspeakable truths

Ads which trigger any emotion work better than those that don't. Ads which trigger the right emotion work even better. A problem, however, has always been detecting unspoken feelings; the real kinds of emotion that an ad generates. The aim of this...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2019
Authors: Whitney Xi, Rupam Borthakur, Mike Underhill, Bruce Bogle, Natalie Ho, Subba Kumari
Companies: VF Corporation , Kantar
May 22, 2019

Research papers

Permission to launch

Together with Kantar, Zappi conducted a research study to determine the trends and creative traits that can help advertisers maximize efficiency. We tested 20 video ads across four categories using our consumer insights platform. This paper shares...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Andy Gallagher, Babita Earle
Companies: ZappiStore, Kantar
September 23, 2018

Research papers

Injecting emotion into campaign effectiveness

Is it possible to test whether branded content met its campaign objectives? See how the BBC combined the latest in emotion tracking tech with devilish psych methods to product a new research tool that is taking the advertising world by storm. In 2017...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Hamish McPharlin
September 23, 2018

Research papers

Testing television advertising using interactive television

This paper introduces several new methods aimed at improving ad testing. The power of interactive television and scientific statistical techniques are leveraged to create a unified methodology to test ads. The methodology makes three specific...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Net Effects 2001
Authors: Joshua D. Clinton, John S. Lapinski
February 11, 2001

Research papers

Advertising research

A company communicates with its consumers in many different ways: media, the product itself, its packaging, its display material, personal communication, public relations, advertising and information about sponsoring. Although many of the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Handbook Of Market And Opinion Research
Author: Flemming Hansen
September 1, 1998

Research papers

Some of the knowledge gained from 10 years experience of advertising monitoring in the building society market in Nordrhein-Westfalen

For 10 years, Infratest has been continuously investigating the relevance of building society advertising for the LBS in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is shown that the question commonly used in such advertising tracking studies is problematic and how...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Rolf Pfleiderer, Gunter Luke
Company: Infratest dimap Gesellschaft fur Trend- und Wahlforschung mbH
September 15, 1989