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Research papers

Voicing the New Global Immigrant Realities

Underserved consumersBrands are not connecting with the fastest growing group of consumers in Canada and the US who are foreign-born and less understood or celebrated.

Catalogue: North America 2024 - Innovation
Authors: Arundati Dandapani, Nancy Deng
Companies: Procter & Gamble,
July 5, 2024

Research papers


Research papers

How to shape future health and beauty shopping

ProcterGamble is widely seen as cutting edge in how well we understand consumer and market dynamics and how we bring this knowledge to our retail partners. The project 'How to Shape Future Health and Beauty Shopping' embarks on a highly collaborative...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: Andreas Onnen, Marion Tamme
Companies: Procter & Gamble, GIM- Gesellschaft fur innovative Marktforschung
September 15, 2010

Research papers

The 65+ consumer

On December 8, 2003, President Bush signed into law the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003. This legislation provided new prescription drug benefits for 36 million Americans aged 65 years and older and 6 million...

Catalogue: Global Healthcare 2008: Consumer Choice
Author: Lance Collie
Company: Procter & Gamble
February 6, 2008

Research papers

Valuing in-store marketing

The P.R.I.S.M. Initiative has established an in-store media approach that can use traffic measurement inside a few stores to estimate traffic inside all stores in a chain by modeling the relationship between traffic and sales, moderated by store and...

Catalogue: WM3 2007
Author: Kathryn Young
Companies: Nielsen, Procter & Gamble
June 3, 2007

Research papers

Project Apollo: Consumer-centric insights

The elusive, often hoped for and most desirous forms of data for most advertising researchers are single source data. Project Apollo has begun to deliver these data in the United States and we are all waiting with baited breath. Why? What is the...

Catalogue: WM3 2007
Authors: Donald Gloeckler, Leslie Wood
Company: Procter & Gamble
June 3, 2007

Research papers

Biofeedback and eye-tracking

This paper provides key learnings of 'Parentesi', the project led by P&G Italy and 'Acqua e Sapone', the Italian drug specialist leader. The project aimed to design and to implement a new in store layout, leveraging on several in store retail mix...

Catalogue: Retail 2007
Authors: Francesco Gallucci, Rosario Stingo
Company: Procter & Gamble
February 19, 2007