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Research papers

Best practices with content marketing

Does content marketing work? And if so, why? This session explores the evolving world of content marketing, including branded entertainment, native advertising, and custom newsroom programmes. Over the past three years, AOL has built a large...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Author: Christian Kugel
October 1, 2015


Best practices with content marketing

Does content marketing work? And if so, why? This session explores the evolving world of content marketing, including branded entertainment, native advertising, and custom newsroom programmes. Over the past three years, AOL has built a large...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Author: Christian Kugel
June 15, 2015

Research papers

Make your stakeholders smarter

How do we make our stakeholders smarter? This is the key question for any consumer and marketplace insight team. Data experts need to be smart. How smart? That is determined by how we empower others with the data and information we provide. With the...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Christian Kugel, Thomas Kelly
September 10, 2014


Make your stakeholders smarter

How do we make our stakeholders smarter? This is the key question for any consumer and marketplace insight team. Data experts need to be smart. How smart? That is determined by how we empower others with the data and information we provide. With the...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Christian Kugel, Thomas Kelly
June 15, 2014

Research papers

Organizational research reinvigoration

As a top five Internet company, AOL has historically struggled with the role of research, analytics and insights. In the past two years, however, the company re- oriented itself around the voice of the consumer. In doing so, research became a...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Cortney Henseler, Christian Kugel
September 26, 2013


Organizational research reinvigoration

As a top five Internet company, AOL has historically struggled with the role of research, analytics and insights. In the past two years, however, the company re- oriented itself around the voice of the consumer. In doing so, research became a...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Christian Kugel, Cortney Henseler
June 15, 2013

Research papers

Uncovering hidden triggers of user generated content engagement

Social functionality has transformed the online news category. sharing via social networks and adding comments to articles creates a new dimension to how people experience current events. For example, readers generate six million comments every month...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2012: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Authors: Christian Kugel, Curtis Frazier, Joseph D. Blechman
Companies: AOL, Probit Research
November 6, 2012

Research papers

What online behavior reveals about digital culture

Digital culture has an increasingly visible impact on culture in general. Despite this, no vetted process exists for understanding digital culture or applying it to the development of marketing assets. For the past two years, the authors experimented...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: Ellen Bird, Christian Kugel
Company: VivaKi
September 15, 2010

Research papers

A powerful mix

This paper describes the process used to create a data fusion between the Nielsen Media Research US National Peoplemeter sample and the Nielsen/NetRatings NetView panel, to create a database of TV viewing and Internet use.The paper analyzes findings...

Catalogue: Worldwide Multi Media Measurement 2006
Authors: Pete Doe, Christian Kugel
Company: Nielsen
June 4, 2006