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Research papers

The river, the mud, the sieve, the gold

This presentation is of huge importance to the audience:-It is a pro-active tool, uncompromised research design-It is a subject of high societal impact (charity)-Unique: a narrative database for a domain, that can be used by singular brands within...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Author: Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
November 16, 2016

Research papers

Has customer centricity been lacking empathy all along?

Finding synergies among primary research and big data can feel like a dance of north-seeking magnets. Big data tends to focus on correlation (what, where, who), whereas market research historically focuses on causation (why). Gongos ajnd...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Sarah Phillips, Camille Nicita, Justin Smith, Susan Scarlet
October 1, 2015

Research papers

Make your stakeholders smarter

How do we make our stakeholders smarter? This is the key question for any consumer and marketplace insight team. Data experts need to be smart. How smart? That is determined by how we empower others with the data and information we provide. With the...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Christian Kugel, Thomas Kelly
September 10, 2014

Research papers

Challenger companies and consortium teams

This presentation makes the case that a collaborative team from a network of boutique consulting and research firms along with independents is the right model for researchers to become strategic partners to Challenger Clients. It shows the contrast...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2012: Asia Kaleidoscope
Authors: Hamsini Shivakumar, Shubhabrata Roy, Sharmila Das
April 17, 2012

Research papers

Flying with the Simpsons

This paper is based on a large, multifaceted, multidisciplinary, collaborative and iterative team-based research project involving Air New Zealand and long haul travellers. Whilst a substantial financial commitment, the new interior long-haul design...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2011: Increasing Value Through Simplicity
Authors: Hudson Smales, Horst Feldhaeuser
March 20, 2011

Research papers

MTV seeding lab

The presentation describes a new methodology -Seeding Lab- and its application to a qualitative survey for MTV Italy. Seeding Lab combines the spontaneous approach of a web environment and traditional qualitative ethnographic techniques. Members...

Catalogue: Innovate 2010: Innovation Detonation
Authors: Cinzia Paterlini, Simona Sbarbaro
Companies: Teleperformance Knowledge Services, Viacom International Media Networks
November 16, 2010

Research papers

Brands and consumers co-creation

Digital technology radically changes the way we build and communicate knowledge. The old pattern of centralized senders and massive receivers is no longer acceptable: 'truth' is the consensus of many opinions, with human knowledge following wikipedia...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2009: The Evolving Human
Authors: Fabio Paiva, Carla Mayumi
Companies: PepsiCo, Box1824
November 19, 2009

Research papers

What does research 2.0 mean to consumers in Asia Pacific?

This is a multi-country, multi-agency, collaborative project to look at Research 2.0 in an Asian context. Key issues addressed include:Are consumers in Asia Pacific responding to co-creation and collaboration initiatives differently from consumers in...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2009: Competing On A World Stage
Authors: Steve Cierpicki, Pete Cape, Shizue Vieira, Andrew Lewis, Ray Poynter
Companies: Research Now SSI, Colmar Brunton, Fem Marketing House Co. Ltd.
April 7, 2009

Research papers

The insightful museum

This case study gives a close look at attitude and behaviour based consumer segmentation. It also shows:-How a multi-method approach creates deep understanding of the consumers -How the research is connected to the business improvement opportunities...

Catalogue: Consumer Insights 2009: The Pragmatic Approach
Authors: Channe Järn, Sanna-Mari Jäntti
February 11, 2009