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Research papers

Consensus and cleavage among West European nations on Cold War issues (French)

The question I would like to raise here is how much consensus or agreement has there been on Cold War issues among the peoples of the West European nations. I am not talking about policy-makers in this paper, but about the populations which stand...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Helen Dinerman
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Determining goals in research (French)

If you take even the most casual look at action research, probably two key things stand out about it. First, it usually proceeds with something of an experimental design; and, second, something of a cult has grown up about it. If you go into the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Shirley A. Star
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Measurement of media intangibles (French)

Readership studies and audience measurements are today common place in the media field. But we know very little about the intangible values added by a given magazine or journal to the advertising message. It is not enough to know how many people-read...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Andre Chudnoff
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Measuring the impact of communication

In its eleven years of existence the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research (Jerusalem) has made only one study entirely devoted to measuring the impact of communication. It was a blitz-survey on the radio-listening by the Israel population to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Ruth Ludwig
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Motivation research applied to political attitudes (French)

The sole purpose of the above example was to demonstrate the fundamental difference existing between investigations of attitudes and investigations of opinions. We believe that the investigation of political attitudes is destined gradually to replace...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Denis Lindon
June 15, 1959

Research papers

A new concept of marketing (French)

In this paper I would like to examine; what is really new in this new concept of marketing; to suggest a revision of the traditional approaches to the study of marketing; to show the organizational changes effected by the new trend in management...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Bartolo Mardessich
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Aided recall media research

The use of recall aids as a stimulus to the memory of informants has been most highly developed in media research, and it is from this field that I draw the two examples which I wish to discuss today. The I.P.A. National Readership Survey is a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: David R. Aitchison
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Factor analysis in market research

Comment on Mr. Ehrenberg's paper: "Factor analysis in market research".

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Leonard F. Smith
June 15, 1959

Research papers

Some implications of a recent study of the comprehension of television programmes (French)

I should like first to mention a few provisional findings from some studies of the impact of particular television programmes on which I have been engaged in Oxford over the last four years, and then to consider their implications when it comes to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1959
Author: Joseph Trenaman
June 15, 1959