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Research papers

Measuring the determinants of prescribing behaviour amongst doctors

The research programme which is the subject of this paper started 9 years ago, just before the introduction of a new ethical product into a therapeutic market which was certainly ready for expansion. The programme is still continuing and has entered...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: B. Bright, Hugh Robert Stammers
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 6, 1970

Research papers

The role of marketing research in the pharmaceutical industry

The Marketing Research function in a multinational pharmaceutical company really divides itself into two major sectors: 1. Studies of local markets, which must be conducted in each individual country. 2. Studies of world trends, which must be carried...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Author: Alberta R. Edwards
June 15, 1970

Research papers

A simulation model of doctors' prescribing behaviour

In recent years there has been growing interest among marketing management in the possibilities of using quantitative techniques as aids to decision making. This interest is reaching epidemic proportions in many industries not least the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Author: I. S. Miller
June 15, 1970

Case studies

Segmentation of doctors: A case study

Since this conference is concerned with doctor typology, the emphasis of the paper will be in terms of describing, using one particular case-history as a vehicle, the concepts behind the use of one specific technique (or rather 'duo' of techniques)...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: Ken M.H. Coleman, E. Eastman, R. F. Malcom, Ian Jarvis
June 15, 1970

Research papers

The attitude of Israeli doctors towards domestic vis-a-vis imported drugs

This study deals with doctors perceptions, images, attitudes, behaviour and usage habits as they are related to the subject of "Imported vs. Local Drugs". The study was conducted on a personal interview basis with a sample of 400 regular...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: Jacob Levy, Ian Jarvis
June 15, 1970

Research papers

Advertising, promotion and medical detailing

It is not the purpose of this paper to suggest modifications in the existing structure of decisions. Without discussing at this point the role of marketing statistics in a pharmaceutical company we propose suggesting a method of exploiting such...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Author: Jean-Mathieu Paoli
June 15, 1970

Research papers


I would like to comment on a few major points of interest as raised by the papers of the last two days. Firstly marketing models. Segmentation and typology of doctors seem to be of universal interest.

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Author: J.-J. Baillet
June 15, 1970

Research papers

The development of a technique for measuring the reactions of general practitioners to mailing pieces and journal advertisements

In May 1968, ML Medical Surveys Centre commenced the development of a systematic methodology for studying the reactions of General Practitioners to mailings and journal advertisements. This paper describes the work we have been engaged upon and does...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Author: W. A. K. Frost
June 15, 1970

Research papers

The differing promotional requirements of consultants, hospital doctors and GPs

This study sets out to define some of the major differences between general practitioners, consultants and hospital doctors - differences in work load, environment, and level of medicine practised. Their approach to product selection is examined, and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1970: The Marketing Of Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: F. W. Riley, S. Seltzer
June 15, 1970