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Research papers

The agony and ecstasy of teaching an old dog new tricks

This article has briefly surveyed some of ways in which market research organisations need to adapt their mindsets to stay relevant in the modern insight pipeline and data dispensation, as facilitated through technology. Thus, this article has...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Author: Kyle Findlay
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 20, 2017

Research papers

Accelerating B2B sales with Big Data

How Universal Avenue increased earnings for their B2B sales team by creating advanced predictions based on internal and external data streams.

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Jonatan Hedin, Stephen Kirk
November 20, 2017

Research papers

Local shopping discovery in the age of mobile

Shopping Discovery at the local level - local businesses learn from their customers and other businesses around them to grow their business in the age of mobile. In a segmentation study conducted among consumers and small business across eight...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Albrecht Kúfner, Greta Baisch
November 14, 2017

Research papers

Is VR the auto industry's sleeping giant?

To test this hypothesis multiple independent studies marching samples for full product evaluations and VR stimulus evaluation were conducted with sedan, hatchbacks and compact SUVs. The main goal of these studies was to:1. Understand the challenges...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: John Kiser, Narith Panh
Company: Ipsos MRBI
November 14, 2017

Research papers

Addressable TV advertising

How can we move TV advertising forward with big data? Applying learnings from digital display to advance programmatic TV advertising.The purpose of this article is to systematize the role of the different data available for programmatic TV...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Edward Malthouse, Judy Franks, Ewa Maslowska
November 13, 2017

Research papers

Data confidential

Borrowing techniques from record linkage and using the latest algorithms from machine learning to link survey data with internal data, whilst still maintaining the individual anonymity.

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Diane Berry, Josef Rieder
November 10, 2017

Research papers

The wave of automation

Automation and neuro-research are the two biggest waves in consumer research market ocean. In the nearest future, they will revolutionise the entire industry by merging into one huge tsunami- automated neuro-research- a process understandable and...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Author: Dmitry Gaiduk
Company: CoolTool Inc
November 10, 2017

Research papers

SUPERCRUNCH data design thinking

Tackle the most common challenge when developing data-driven solutions: How to define a tangible use case? The Supercrunchers will walk you through based on a real-life case.

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: David Kaufmann, Norbert Wirth
Company: GfK
November 10, 2017

Research papers

Programmatic TV meets new technology-driven TV behaviour data

The future of the television begins and ends with measurement. This paper will go through the challenges and opportunities with programmatic TV and the new data sources that fuel the programmatic opportunity. Beatgrid's has a single-source approach...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Author: Daniel Tjondronegoro
November 10, 2017