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The death of polls?

Opinion polls and electoral polls were subject to intense scrutiny and criticism in the wake of the 2016 experience, followed by renewed confidence in the first months of 2017. Polling firms are facing up to the current challenges and reports of the...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Henri Wallard
Company: Ipsos MRBI
September 23, 2018


Government regulation and election embargoes can threaten poll quality

Find out where government limits on polling threaten researchers ability to do their jobs from the latest global study.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Kathleen Frankovic
September 23, 2018


Thought leadership from WIN: A French polling case study

This paper is a contribution by the WIN Network (international association gathering leading independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries), to discussions on changes in the polling industry. Drawing on...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Marion Dumas, Mirta Galesic, Adelaide Zulfikarpazic, Herve Tranger, Guillaume Inigo, Richard Bordenave
Company: BVA Group
November 10, 2017


Are we getting worse at political polling?

The accuracy of polling has been under the serious spotlight over the last couple of years. This presentation will deliver some preliminary analysis from an international review of historical published polling data from 25 countries compiled by...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Jon Puleston
Company: Kantar
November 10, 2017


Defence preferences

Speech from Kancho Stoychev, President, Gallup International Association, Bulgaria.

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Kancho Stoychev
Company: Gallup International Association
October 26, 2017


Ask the world

So, what does the world really think? New technologies are allowing researchers to rapidly and cost-effectively reach and engage citizens and consumers in places and ways previously unimaginable. This presentation will explore the results of "Ask the...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Author: Eric Meerkamper
June 15, 2016


Ask the world

Imagine asking 20,000 Iranians about the future of their country - in 12 days; or people across Latin America about the Zika virus outbreak - within 24 hours of the WHO declaring it a global health emergency; or citizens in 51 countries about...

Catalogue: Latin America 2016: Research Renovation
Author: Eric Meerkamper
June 15, 2016


Transformations in public opinion research

Opinion polls in many western democracies have become so entrenched that their publication is an underlying part of political coverage. In recent years, research methodologies in places like the United States have had to transform to cope with...

Catalogue: MENAP Forum 2015: Leading Transformation
Author: Kathleen Frankovic
June 15, 2015