EyeSee x Google: Pushing the boundaries of in-context online research: Boosting fixtures impact using virtual environments

Date of publication: March 4, 2021

Catalogue: Webinars 2021


A year into the COVID-19 crisis, understanding fixtures impact in real stores is as relevant as ever, especially in countries like France where store experience remains key in the path of purchase. However, research in stores has been significantly impacted by real-life limitations. To surpass them during the crisis, both tech giants like Google and companies from countless other industries turn to Virtual store environments and online research. Join the session to learn how Google used EyeSee's virtual store capabilities for smart learnings, the process of setting up studies for validating store setups and refining messaging, and the value of measuring consumer behavior in a realistic retail setting. 

Tiphaine Goisbeault


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Vania Halilhodzic


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Joris De Bruyne


This is a long description of some author details.

Jean-François Sonder


This is a long description of some author details.

Sanja Copic


This is a long description of some author details.

  • Video
Fad and progress in motivation research Authors: Herta Herzog
Factor analysis of consumer preferences Authors: Jean Stoetzel
Factor analysis of consumer preferences (French) Authors: Jean Stoetzel
Research into consumer behaviour and its motivation (English and French) Authors: Michel Agostini, Emeric Deutsch, Harry Henry, Robert C. Sorensen, Helen Dinerman, Philip L. Short, A. Mitchell, Yves Fournis, Edward Sinclair, Ernest Dichter, William Gregory, Jan van Rees, Albert A. Shea, Jan L. Wage, Salviano Cruz
Research into consumer behaviour and its motivation (French) Authors: George Gallup, Paul Lyness, Börje Lindberg, Alfred Denner, Graeme Cranch, Jean Stoetzel
Measuring the impact of communication Authors: Ruth Ludwig
A new approach to readership surveys Authors: William Bishop
Research into housewife shopping patterns in Great Britain Authors: Peter A. Rusby
Econometry and psycho-sociology complementary methods of approach Authors: Emeric Deutsch, Michel Simon
Econometry and psycho-sociology complementary methods of approach (French) Authors: Emeric Deutsch, Michel Simon