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Research papers

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This paper focuses on the improvements introduced in 2007/08 based on the new technologies such as the a-gps technology for fieldwork and the ooH product analyzer software for complete media planning and buying process.

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Author: Daniel Cuende
Company: Cuende Infometrics
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Cross-media measurement by the centralized data collection of comparable data

Measuring systems that provide uniformly structured and prepared data over and above various media are of maximum relevance. The demand for uniform and comparable media usage data is becoming increasingly greater as technologies become more advanced...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Author: Tanja Hackenbruch
Company: GfK
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Single source multimedia audience measurement

The Cross Media revolutionary Eurisko Media Monitor survey starts its third edition with further innovative solutions. This release also adopts the Dialogatore: a brand new device that GfK Eurisko has recently introduced in the Italian market. It...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Author: Giorgio Licastro
Company: GfK
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Future media trends 2015

The exciting question for the future is how revolution in technology meets evolution in human behaviour. With the study Future Media Trends we focus on the evolution of human behaviour: A theoretical framework for understanding this change is the...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Bernhard Engel, Natalie Beisch
May 7, 2009

Research papers

How reliable is my audience?

With a fast growing digital television reception, the Netherlands faces an increase in the supply of digital channels to be included in the audience measurement. The total penetration of digital reception increased from 17.2% in the second half of...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Bas de Vos, Mariana Irazoqui, Jeroen Nikkel, Adriaan Hoogendoorn
Companies: Stichting Kijkonderzoek (SKO), GfK
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Managing media planning and brand positioning across media platforms

A new tool, Touchpoint, uses co-branding theories to plan a media mix across platforms that best match the brand profile of an advertiser. This is done by matching the brand profile of the advertiser to that of a media vehicle through hundreds of...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Fredrik Nauckhoff, Per Asberg, Carl Hemmingsson
Company: Nepa
May 7, 2009

Research papers

TV Consumption is growing

Over the last 10 years, it has been said that TV consumption is decreasing under the development of the Internet around the world. EurodataTV Worldwide, the only database gathering TV ratings from 80 people meter territories worldwide, demonstrates...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Jacques Braun, Alexandre Callay
Company: Mediametrie
May 7, 2009

Research papers

A holistic approach to the measurement of WOM

An holistic approach to the measurement of WOM and its impact on consumer's decisions.There is a growing recognition of the power of word of mouth. Join us for a stimulating session in which we'll share results from new research that takes a unique,...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Edward B. Keller, Barak Libai
Company: Engagement Labs
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Eye tracking

Audience quality attention to advertising media has been a concern to marketers for a long time. Are audiences just viewing a product? Or are they really observing and becoming aware of the brands, products and their benefits when they are advertised...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Author: Idalia Cruz Garza
May 7, 2009