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Research papers

"Who is who" with behavioural data

This paper presents a completely new approach to overcome the user identification problem: separating individual's navigation by means of an algorithm that just looks at the data. As it will be shown, succeeding in doing so is only possible if...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Carlos Bort, Carlos Ochoa Gómez
Company: Netquest
November 7, 2017

Research papers

Has customer centricity been lacking empathy all along?

Finding synergies among primary research and big data can feel like a dance of north-seeking magnets. Big data tends to focus on correlation (what, where, who), whereas market research historically focuses on causation (why). Gongos ajnd...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Sarah Phillips, Camille Nicita, Justin Smith, Susan Scarlet
October 1, 2015

Research papers

Turning farmers into miners

As market researchers we need to understand and interpret market conditions for corporate decision makers. Our presentation will look at how combining behavioural and perception data deepens this understanding and improves our ability to influence....

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Patricio Pagani, Reed Cundiff
Company: Infotools
September 26, 2013

Research papers

The road to riches fuelled by brand power

The latest, hot off the press, new BrandZ ranking of the Top 10 Automotive Most Valuable Brands (2013) will be announced. This fire-starter presentation will also provide an analysis of who is up and who is down, why, and trends since 2006, with...

Catalogue: Automotive Research Forum 2013: Driving Change, Driving Business
Authors: Nick Bull, Peter Walshe
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
May 24, 2013

Research papers

Research in a world of irrational expectations

Our industry works hard for the truth and often sees it as our domain, yet sometimes the way we go about research moves us further from 'real' truth. More attention is needed to what Behavioural Economics findings mean for Market Research, not just...

Catalogue: Congress 2011: Impact
Authors: Stephen Phillips, Abigail Hill
September 18, 2011

Research papers

Go deeper. Get closer. Be braver.

We live in a world of constant change. Research has often struggled to embrace change and is under increasing threat from new forms of competition. Rapid innovation is the cure, but it is difficult. This presentation suggests that the difficulty is...

Catalogue: Innovate 2010: Innovation Detonation
Author: Richard Owen
Company: Hall & Partners
November 16, 2010

Research papers

Online action research

This paper should be seen as online 'action research' seeking to understand the impact of an intervention on an individualist rather than a macro policy level. This research turned participants into action researchers, enabling relevant and...

Catalogue: Online Research 2010: E-Universe
Author: Josephine Hansom
Company: GfK
October 19, 2010

Research papers

Looking for Eric

A method to optimally define hub consumers in a social network is addressed in this presentation. These are the leaders that will enable a company to effectively address marketing campaigns on a social network and those who will provide online ways...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Luiz Sá Lucas, Ricardo Lopes, Leonardo Soares
Company: IBOPE Inteligencia
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Transforming the marketing research industry

There is a greater scope of opportunities as our industry changes.This presentation builds a case for three 'imperatives' for transforming the current marketing research industry and organizations that compete within it: a need to shift from...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Randall Brandt, Stephan Thun
Company: Maritz Research
September 19, 2007