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Research papers

Creating a Better Everyday Life

IKEA aims to create a better everyday life for customers by creating home furnishing products that fulfil their needs, dreams, and frustrations. Since the 1970s, IKEA has visited real customers? homes to better understand their everyday lives...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Eva Carin Banka Johnson, Stefan Vukjcevic, Terje Nilstun
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Judo Bank JEDI

This paper tells the story of how Judo Bank challenged the way organisations listen to their employees and, in doing so , unlocked a chain of innovative technology that led to deeper insights about employee experience. 

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Laurie Hibbs, Ben Griffiths, Garreth Chandler
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Boosting Economic Growth and Shaping Livelihoods with Machine Learning

70 percent of Africans rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. However, the extent to which land use is mapped and monitored is largely ineffective in many countries. This often leads to inaccurate identification of available land in advising new...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Ray Xavery, Dickstein Mukaria, Jasper Grosskurth, Dophine Mongina
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Humanity in Creative Development

The insights industry is at a crossroads, similar to that faced by the global energy industry. In short: what got us here, won?t get us there! Change is needed for our industry to continue to inspire our business stakeholders, create impact and power...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Monica Tenorio, Rafik El Noumeir
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Selling Insight through Live Commerce in China

Livestreaming e-commerce in China reached 171 billion in value in 2020. The most popular live commerce shows are the ones where hosts open up about who they really are, show how they live their lives and share their honest opinions and feelings...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Yingying Gu, Jennifer Liu
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Can Social Listening Obsolete All Other Research Methodologies?

This report showcases how Haleon (formerly GSK Consumer Healthcare), in an effort to stay ahead of the game on deep human understanding, has harnessed the exponential growth of data coming from social media and e-commerce with Semantiweb, a company...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Nicolas Pochart, Pierre Antoine Dubosc
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Using the Data You Have to Get The Insights You Need needs to be many things to many people: a showroom, a library, a help desk, a training centre and a sales funnel. However, how can we design a site that can do all that with the right message, at the right time, for the right audience? With...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Author: Loren Crawford
September 29, 2023

Research papers

Uncovering the Why

Researchers and data scientists are easily siloed into their fields of expertise. Clients and scientists often have limited time-frames and budgets, and so are forced to opt for one over the other. While both social listening and survey research...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Cecily Mejia, Hannah Pucci, Karl Joyce
September 28, 2023

Research papers

Digital DNA: If Your Data Could Talk?

Traditionally, when we think of research, we reflect on qualitative and quantitative techniques such as interviews and surveys. These techniques are invaluable; for years they have been providing rich bilateral streams of data and insights. However,...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Patrick Fagan, Vanja Ljevar
September 28, 2023