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Research papers

Editorial research on a syndicated basis

Editorial Research carried out on behalf of a single publication or some publications belonging to the same publisher is well known. Syndicated research for advertising purposes - media planning and selling media space - is well known too, but the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Author: Sigurd Bennike
November 25, 1987

Research papers

Media profit and market gaps

13 Danish magazines are looked at as branded goods with perceptions and images that can be measured among the consumers. They are competitors, although the editorial content varies between women- family- and TV-magazines. Can these magazines be...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Authors: Hanne Treu Olsen, Ole Ejnar Andersen
November 25, 1987

Research papers

Magazines during recession

Abroad the economic conditions of Denmark are considered to be favourable, compared with many other European countries, a truth with many modifications, participated in the general economic growth of the western societies, bringing the standard of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1985: Quality In Publishing
Author: Søren Heede
November 27, 1985

Research papers

Editorial research on a syndicated basis for Danish newspapers

As the Danish provincial papers are aware of the competition from the national dailies as well as from the magazines and the electronic media they have been willing to pay rather big amounts of money to be included in the syndicated media survey in a...

Catalogue: Seminar 1983: Publishing A Better Product
Author: Sigurd Bennike
November 23, 1983

Research papers

What do readers do when their newspapers and weeklies fail?

In 1977 we had in Denmark a labour dispute giving stoppages in the publishing of dailies for a period of 3 weeks and irregularities in the publishing of weeklies. This happens every second year, but in 1977 it was a special situation as the greatest...

Catalogue: Seminar 1979: Publishing And The Communications Industry
Author: Sigurd Bennike
November 1, 1979

Research papers

A disproportional sampling frame for readership surveys concerning publications with widely different circulation

The present paper describes a sampling procedure, which has been especially developed with the purpose of having local daily newspapers with widely different circulation represented in a study which can also be reported as a national probability...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1978: Value For Money In Market And Social Research
Authors: Flemming Hansen, Ole Ejnar Andersen, Sigurd Bennike
September 1, 1978

Research papers

Analysis of new products on basis of results from several minor analyses and creative interpretation

My notes relate to the introduction of Alt om Mad in Denmark in the Autumn 1977. Comprehensive analyses were preceding the introduction, ensuring a minimal risk by the launching. We carried out the following test programme: 1) Test of potential and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1978: Value For Money In Market And Social Research
Author: Torben Larsen
September 1, 1978

Research papers

Individual victims of crime as objects for social research

Implementing social indicators is a new approach to estimate the well-being of a population. One of the focal concerns is the public security and administration of justice. The number of reported crimes is declining in Denmark more people are afraid...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Social Research
Author: Ole Ejnar Andersen
December 1, 1977

Research papers

Research on policy-making in the consumer union sphere

The Danish National Consumer Union was formed in 1946. On this background the present project has been carried out. The major tasks were: a) Identification of major dimensions along which consumers perceive consumer policies and consumer tactics; B)...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Social Research
Authors: Folke Olander, Flemming Hansen
Company: AIM Create
December 1, 1977