Analysis of new products on basis of results from several minor analyses and creative interpretation

Date of publication: September 1, 1978

Author: Torben Larsen


My notes relate to the introduction of Alt om Mad in Denmark in the Autumn 1977. Comprehensive analyses were preceding the introduction, ensuring a minimal risk by the launching. We carried out the following test programme: 1) Test of potential and editorial line; 2) Revision of editorial line; 3) Test of new editorial line. The tests were effected as country-wide covering interview tests with a representative section of housewives. The number of respondents per test were 750. The potential of the magazine proved to be very big, but the original editorial line did not fulfil consumers' requirements. We measured a clearly higher degree of acceptance of the magazine by the test effected after having changed the editorial line. In addition to the interview tests we carried out a mailing test. On basis of the tests we estimated circulation and/ total number of readers.

Torben Larsen


This is a long description of some author details.

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