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Building a pet-friendly omnichannel marketplace (Spanish)

As pure digital-players like Amazon and Alibaba bring the online retail experience to the offline world by opening walk- in stores loaded with Artificial Intelligence that look and feel like e-commerce solutions, we can no longer believe in an...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Adrian Kohan, Eduardo Sanpietro
Companies: Gentedemente, Mars Wrigley
April 8, 2019

Research papers

Building a pet-friendly omnichannel marketplace

As pure digital-players like Amazon and Alibaba bring the online retail experience to the offline world by opening walk- in stores loaded with Artificial Intelligence that look and feel like e-commerce solutions, we can no longer believe in an...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Adrian Kohan, Eduardo Sanpietro
Companies: Gentedemente, Mars Wrigley
April 7, 2019


Revue Française du Marketing (Juillet 2007)

Dans ce numéro de la Revue Française du Marketing, vous allez trouver cinq articlesaux thèmes actuels et fort divers. Les auteurs français, tunisiens, italiensou canadiens sont le plus souvent des universitaires aux divers stades deleur...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
July 1, 2007


Revue Française du Marketing (Septembre 2005)

Ce numéro de la Revue offre à nos lecteurs une palette de sujets. Les contributionsabordent des thèmes variés, depuis la diversité des définitions du marketing jusqu'à la défense et l'illustration des méthodes qualitatives...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
September 1, 2005


Revue Française du Marketing (Juillet 2004)

Ce numéro consacré à la Grande Distribution se propose d'aborder quelques-uns deces défis et d'évaluer les difficultés que rencontrent les entreprises dansl'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre des nouvelles stratégies et des...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
July 1, 2004

Research papers

Four week radio survey

This paper develops NBD models and new evaluation methods for estimating the reach and frequency distribution. The models were developed in order to address the radio industry’s requirements of ‘flighting’ and schedule variation from...

Catalogue: ARF/ESOMAR Worldwide Radio 2001
Authors: Alexandra Lyall, Mark Neely, Campbell M. Rungie
Company: Nielsen
April 1, 2001


Revue Française du Marketing 2001 (N. 183/184)

L'objectif de ce numéro spécial est donc de confronter des points devue sur les peurs alimentaires issus de champs disciplinaires différents, au travers de quatre thèmes principaux:le débat qui agite les consommateurs français...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
March 1, 2001

Research papers

Traditional VS. new millenium distribution channels

This paper provides attitudinal information collected from mutual fund investors in the United States and Europe regarding various traditional and emerging distribution channels. The author proposes that channels be redefined according to whether...

Catalogue: Financial Markets In Turbulent Times 1999: Guidance From Marketing Research
Author: Marcia Selz
September 1, 1999

Research papers

The changing landscape of distribution channels

The Dutch financial industry makes increasing use of new distribution channels. This paper describes the degree to which this influences Dutch consumer attitudes and behaviours. The paper is based on findings from a semi-continuous study. It explains...

Catalogue: Financial Markets In Turbulent Times 1999: Guidance From Marketing Research
Author: Reg van Steen
September 1, 1999