Building a pet-friendly omnichannel marketplace (Spanish)

Date of publication: April 8, 2019

Catalogue: Latin America 2019


As pure digital-players like Amazon and Alibaba bring the online retail experience to the offline world by opening walk- in stores loaded with Artificial Intelligence that look and feel like e-commerce solutions, we can no longer believe in an analog-digital divide, nor keep thinking about “on” and “offline” consumer as two separate and distinct entities. Instead, we need to think about omnichannel solutions that follow consumers as they seamlessly flow between screen and brick- and-mortar experiences, challenging the role of existing distribution and retail channels as last-mile bridges between brands and their consumers. So, how do you create “phygital” omnichannel solutions for a specialized category sold in a dedicated, specialized and highly atomized distribution channel, without alienating its traditional retail ecosystem? You commit to a co-creation process via Design Thinking. Here we will explore the Royal Canin/Mars experience, re-shaping Chile’s pet food market.

Adrian Kohan


This is a long description of some author details.

Eduardo Sanpietro


This is a long description of some author details.

  • Video
Distribution research Authors: A. B. de Vos
Distribution research (French) Authors: A. B. de Vos
Group discussion on "Distribution research" and "Motivation research on the channels of distribution" Authors: A. B. de Vos, Emeric Deutsch, J. Ax, Bertil Neuman, David H. Pickard, M. B. Tarrant, David Lowe-Watson, C. F. A. Waterman
Motivation research in the field of distribution Authors: Emeric Deutsch
Motivation research in the field of distribution (French) Authors: Emeric Deutsch
Research in the field of shopping centers Authors: Jean-Pierre Leburton
Analysis and evaluation of channels of distribution in consumer goods industries Authors: F. R. Böhne
Experience in the introduction of new food products Authors: Werner Ziefle
Tourist market research from viewpoint of an (official) national tourist organisation Authors: Paul Risch, Jost Krippendorf, Jacques Antoine, Robert Irvine
Emphasis on problems or opportunities in dairy products marketing Authors: Maarten Van Mesdag