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Research papers

Certification of qualitative researchers

Following an overview of the history and current status of the certification issue, this paper reviews the several sides of the debate: Clarification of terms - what is certification and how is it different from similar processes such as...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2005
Author: Hy Mariampolski
Company: QualiData Research Inc.
November 13, 2005

Research papers

Changing equity of private labels: The perspective from Latin America

This paper provides an assessment of private labels from the perspective of Latin America, and specifically from the six leading economies of Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, as a response to the following questions...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2003: Management, Accountability and Research
Author: Paulo Pinheiro de Andrade
Company: IBOPE Inteligencia
September 14, 2003

Research papers

No successful CRM without MRC

The essence of analytical CRM consists in learning from past customer interactions to improve future actions. The data that is collected can be later analysed to illustrate all important aspects of the customer interaction process. In the past, most...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Customer Relationship Management Conference 2002
Author: Thomas Liehr
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
March 17, 2002

Research papers

Excerpt from ESOMAR 1997 Prices Study

The aim of the Prices Study is to provide an indication of the relative pricing of various types of research projects, at different levels: o within each country, where sample sizes permit; o between different countries within a region; o across the...

Catalogue: New Monograph Series Vol.8: International Marketing Research
Authors: Colin McDonald, Jean Pilling
January 1, 1999

Research papers

Strategy 2000

Opening speech from Mary Goodyear at ESOMAR Congress 1993.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1993: The Many Faces of Quality Now And In Future
Author: Mary Goodyear
June 15, 1993

Research papers

Marketing research in the decade ahead

Opening speech at the 43rd ESOMAR Marketing Research Congress by Jean-Louis Laborie.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1990: Using Research For Marketing In The 90's
Author: Jean-Louis Laborie
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Users' working party report on 1989 activities

It is the intention of ESOMAR to increase its value to Research Users. To this end, ESOMAR has created a "Users' Working Party". Since this group and its efforts are in their infancy, it seems advantageous to shortly review the "Background" birth...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Author: Kenneth J. Alman
September 1, 1989

Research papers

Closing of the conference

The objective of this Conference was to address the issue of corporate planning and its relationship to research and to provide a platform for an exchange of views between U.S., Japanese and European delegates. This objective has been largely met.

Catalogue: AMA/JMRA/JMA/ESOMAR Conference 1983: Strategic Planning
Author: Jacques E. Andriessens
June 15, 1983

Research papers