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Research papers

Export market research for smaller organisations

The paper takes the view that increasing affluence in Europe will produce greater opportunities for developing export markets in consumer goods and that those will be attractive to smaller as well as large exporting organisations. It discusses some...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1973: The Application Of Market And Social Research For More Efficient Planning
Author: Howard Biggs
June 15, 1973

Research papers

Communication with physicians

I would like however to look at the problems of diversification and communication from the international standpoint, and to deal mainly with pharmaceuticals - diversification into new therapeutic areas internationally - which is after all the major...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Communication And Diversification In Pharmaceuticals, Hospital Supplies And Allied Fields
Author: Ken M.H. Coleman
June 1, 1973

Research papers

Cost-effective market mapping using the "Item X Use" concept

The paper commences by briefly reviewing some of the research problems which face marketing companies in the process of diversification and highlights the need for a reliable and inexpensive procedure for obtaining an overview of new markets. Next a...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Communication And Diversification In Pharmaceuticals, Hospital Supplies And Allied Fields
Author: W. A. K. Frost
June 1, 1973

Research papers

The doubtfulness of representative samples in the field of industrial market research

The point of this paper is that based on the experience hitherto gained, the problems concerning representativeness in market research for investment goods should be studied more closely, and that stimuli should be provided for the improvement of the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Industrial Marketing Research- Sampling And Interviewing Problems
Author: D. A.M. Zehnhoff
Company: Philips International
January 1, 1973

Research papers

Alternative approaches to industrial sampling problems

In this paper I want to discuss three methods of industrial sampling which can be used in some of the situations in which difficulties can arise. The conclusion I should like to draw from these examples of alternative sampling methods for industrial...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Industrial Marketing Research- Sampling And Interviewing Problems
Author: JWP Cornish
January 1, 1973

Research papers

A summary of the seminar

The first objective of the seminar was to examine sampling frames available in Europe. The second part of the first objective was to examine the problems involved in trying to relate results of sample surveys back to the universe. The second...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Industrial Marketing Research- Sampling And Interviewing Problems
Author: Johan Aucamp
January 1, 1973

Research papers

The problems of data aggregation and of imperfect data in a capital goods market

This study is based on a market simulation model for a capital goods market. This model delivers data about single industrial establishments using a particular capital good. The generated data ere about single establishments and consist of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Industrial Marketing Research- Sampling And Interviewing Problems
Author: F. Bliemel
January 1, 1973

Research papers

Interviewer education and "make or buy" decisions in chemical market research

This paper discusses the question of educational background for interviewers in agencies and companies in the field of chemical market research. The subject chosen allows a broad coverage of the problems based on international experience. The main...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Industrial Marketing Research- Sampling And Interviewing Problems
Author: Karl-Heinz Ronitz
January 1, 1973

Research papers

Researching the changing consumer

Society is undergoing a number of fundamental changes which are central to marketing and advertising strategies, especially those of a medium and long term nature. This paper outlines some research issues involved in measuring social change, and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1972: Marketing In A Changing World
Authors: E. S. Baldwin, J. A. Lunn
September 1, 1972