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Research papers

End user research

This paper focusses on a comparative study of 16 British and West German machine tool manufacturers, which shows clear differences in the extent of user involvement in the product development process. Broadly speaking in the West German companies,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Stephen T. Parkinson
October 1, 1981

Research papers

New product buying behaviour

The purpose of this paper is to try to identify behavioural intentions to accept new products by buyers in intermediate organisations in the channel of distribution for grocery products. Four new products are offered using the technique of simulation...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: David A. Yorke
October 1, 1981

Research papers

From product development to product launch

While there is an extensive literature which deals with the subject of new product development, very little reference is made to the launch or commercialisation phase. Similarly, most texts on marketing management appear to assume that products are...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Michael J. Baker
October 1, 1981

Research papers

Method and realisation of market research for the development of new products in the technical field

The paper describes, which basic requirements are necessary in order to be able to apply market research to product development too. In the understanding of market research as an instrument of marketing there have to be changes, at which the most...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Bernd Stulz
October 1, 1981

Research papers

Models of organizational decision making

There is wide agreement that organisational decisions (e.g. industrial buying decisions) usually involve multiple participants. Researchers also believe that the organisational decision process is normally very complex, it is difficult to model, and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Uolevi Lehtinen
October 1, 1981

Research papers

Decision making in industry and household

Decision making, this paper contends, plays a very important role on all kinds of levels in our society. Therefore a lot of research has been carried out by representatives of a great many disciplines; research on a wide variety of types and aspects...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Peter J.A. Groot
October 1, 1981

Research papers

DIANE as tool for marketing information systems

Euronet, the telecommunications network sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, has been in commercial service for over 1½ years. During that time the information services, collectively referred to as DIANE (Direct Information...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Barry Mahon
October 1, 1981

Research papers

Industrial market research in a planned economy

George Bush is charged by the executives of MASHINDUSTRY with the task of informing them about the "rules of the game", permitting him to reveal the business possibilities of the enterprise on the markets of the COMECON-countries. George relies on...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Gábor Hoványi
October 1, 1981

Research papers

The measurement of attribute importance for industrial products

Market segmentation is one of these concepts that can also be applied to industrial buying behaviour. In this connection one basically has a choice between either using a priori defined segments or finding the biases of consumer segmentation in a set...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Industrial Marketing Research
Author: Rob R. van den Heuvel
October 1, 1981