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Research papers

Qualitative insights on-the-go

We'll demonstrate how we conducted a mobile qualitative study across 10 Asian countries that allowed us to be with our participants during their working hours, a time of the day that is usually hard to penetrate for researchers. We've chosen eating...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2014: Celebrating Asian Creativity
Authors: Norbert Wirth, Susie Zeng
Company: GfK
May 13, 2014

Research papers

Baring it all

With the spotlight on Asia Pacific, the impact of economic growth and exposure to the outside world on the lives of women has been immense. The modern woman has emerged, and the modern Asian woman is unique. Her identity is still deeply rooted in her...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2013: Asia On The Move
Authors: Christina Inocentes, Chris Casanare, Bing Natividad
Company: Ipsos MRBI
April 7, 2013

Research papers

Brands without borders

This presentation will show how consumer co-creation can play a significant role in developing strong cross-regional brands in Asia. Mizone is a beverage brand that has grown strongly in the APAC region, with an independent brand voice in different...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2013: Asia On The Move
Authors: Philip McNaughton, Dewi Larasati
Company: Face
April 7, 2013

Research papers

Lost in translation

The last decade has seen phenomenal growth in market research activity in emerging Asian markets; much of the growth has been driven by Western multinationals seeking to enter or extend their reach in Asian markets. In response, a dynamic Asia-based...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2013: Asia On The Move
Authors: Sue Siewert, David G. Bakken
April 7, 2013

Research papers

Research communities in Asia Pacific

How are research communities being adopted in Asia Pacific - in Japan, China, India, or in Singapore and Vietnam? Is the future more likely to be MROCs or Community Panels, small and qualitative or large and quantitative? Research communities are one...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2013: Asia On The Move
Author: Ray Poynter
April 7, 2013

Research papers

The market research industry in Asia Pacific

This paper addresses the Market Research Industry study, conducted by TNS in July 2004, which provides a mirror to the industry.It maps out the buyers' requirements and provides an insight to these requirements between the markets in Asia Pacific,...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2005
Author: Wander Meijer
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
March 13, 2005

Research papers

Sowing the seeds of a rich harves: Research's contribution to the profit equation

This paper establishes the relevance and need of an appropriate pricing construct (not price per se) in driving the profit growth and illustrates how research feeds into the construct. The same would be explained with the help of a case study in a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2003: Management, Accountability and Research
Authors: Indranil Sen, Sunando Das
September 14, 2003

Research papers

Trends and developments of the research industry

The market research industry in Asia Pacific has recently undergone three major shocks: the globalisation of the Asian industry, the economic crisis, and the beginning of the internet era. This paper explores where the market research industry in...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2000: Redefining Business In Asia Pacific
Author: John Smurthwaite
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 1, 2000

Research papers

The future of dynamic eMarketplaces in Asia Pacific

This paper addresses the eBusiness marketplace in Asia Pacific in the latter half of 2000, with a focus on long-term return on equity models. The hype through April of this year was a distraction for real businesses needing to understand that...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2000: Redefining Business In Asia Pacific
Author: Lane Leskela
November 1, 2000