Baring it all

Date of publication: April 7, 2013


With the spotlight on Asia Pacific, the impact of economic growth and exposure to the outside world on the lives of women has been immense. The modern woman has emerged, and the modern Asian woman is unique. Her identity is still deeply rooted in her traditional culture, but at the same time, she is coping with the opportunities that up until now have not been afforded to her. She continuously battles with the tension of her public face versus private face - what should be versus what I want to be.This presentation will unveil fundamental insights surrounding modern women, in recognition of the influence of social and cultural factors. This will provide a glimpse into the real struggle that modern women are now facing in Asia Pacific.

Christina Inocentes


This is a long description of some author details.

Chris Casanare


This is a long description of some author details.

Bing Natividad


This is a long description of some author details.

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