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Research reports

Qualitative research on Frequence shampoo

L'Oreal has a third shampoo to add to the Elseverange, Frequence; a mild shampoo to cope with hairthat is frequently washed. The objectives of the research reported here were: 1. To establish to what degree the points of theadvertising strategy were...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1979

Research reports

Market research into Pino Silvestre

Pino Sylvestre is currently marketed as both aftershave and an eau de cologne. The brand has an upper-middle market position, and it has a market share of 2-4%. However, focus-group research in the United States reveal edthat although the 'foreign'...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
August 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research into bath additives

Johnson&Johnson's "Baby Bath" was launched in February 1979 accompanied by advertising andpromotional material directed solely at babyusage. However, the premise for the launch was,to some degree, based on the eventual activestimulation of adult...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
July 1, 1979

Research reports

Sunsilk qualitative research

As part of the strengthening exercise on SunsilkShampoo, this research was conducted with thefollowing objectives:1. To assess which range of variants has themost appeal either to shampoo users ingeneral or to specific target groups, undera 'variant...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research into a new concept for a Braun ladies shaver

Braun has developed a new concept for a Lady Shaver. This razor is small, wedge-shaped and has two interchangeable heads; a curved foil head and a sharp, long hair trimmer.The research was required to test this concept with both current dry shaver...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
February 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research into advertising concepts for Lady Braun Elegance

Following on from previous research on advertising approaches for "Lady Braun Elegante" (November 1978Project B498) Braun have developed two further concepts to be tested against the same researchobjectives namely: 1. To convince the target group...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
February 1, 1979

Research reports

Harmony colourant advertising research

Following the results of research into preliminary advertisingconcepts for Harmony Colourant, the Agency has produced acommercial in animatic form on video-tape with a linked in the soundtrack. The objectives of the research were, therefore:1....

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
March 1, 1978

Research reports

Qualitative research into Wrights Coal Tar shampoo

Wrights Coal Tar Shampoo and a range of Wrights Shampoos were relaunched some 18 months ago. The shampoos are estimated to hold around 1% ofthe market, most of this share being accountedfor by the Coal Tar Shampoo. It was decided toconduct some...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
March 1, 1978

Research reports

Qualitative research on Elseve balsam & volume shampoo

L'Oreal is launching a new range of shampoos.At the time of the research, Elseve Balsam Beautyshampoo was currently advertising on-air and theElseve Balsam Volume Shampoo was launchedSeptember/October 1977. The objectives of the research reported...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1977