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Research World (December 2001)

Understanding the process by which new ideas, products and services are picked up, communicated and adopted is key to the success of developing both new and old products. In each case, Early Adopters are the group to watch closely but how can they be...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
December 1, 2001


Research World (November 2001)

The market research industry in Japan is the fourth largest worldwide and accounts for 8% of global research turnover. Three of the world's largest research companies are headquartered in Tokyo but unlike the other global giants, less than 2% of...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
November 1, 2001


Research World (October 2001)

The 2001 ESOMAR Congress in Rome involved no easy assumptions. Indeed there was a possibility, in the light of the unprecedented and tragic events of September 11, that the Congress would not take place. Making reference to the situation in his...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
October 1, 2001


Research World (September 2001)

If Corporate Communications firms are to survive in the network economy they must offer their clients solutions for communications strategy. They must also create stories and experiences for the clients of their clients, integrated in a creative...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 2001


Research World (June 2001)

The Asian economic crisis is over, some say, or is the worst yet to come? The storm is still raging but market research in the Asian Pacific is doing fine.The industry is able to recover faster than other industries and even in the less developed...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 1, 2001


Research World (May 2001)

The Reader's Digest Association Inc is a global leader in publishing and direct marketing, whose object is to create and deliver products that inform, enrich, entertain and inspire people of all ages and cultures. The Company's flagship magazine,...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
May 1, 2001


Research World (April 2001)

Growth of the US market for market/media/public opinion research continued to slow for the third consecutive year as determined by the US market research newsletter. Inside Research. Year 2000 growth was 9.0% over 1999, reaching US$ 5.9 billion. The...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
April 1, 2001


Research World (April 2001)

European market research companies are well regarded by the investment community, following the successful flotations of several of the largest including GfK, IPSOS and TNS, but it will become increasingly difficult for smaller companies to follow...

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
April 1, 2001


Research World (March 2001)

Market research turnover in Latin America totalled US$639 million in 1999 and is set to grow. Here follows an overview of the main factors affecting the industry.

Catalogue: Research World 2001
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
March 1, 2001