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Research papers


This presentation outlines a model currently used to predict future patterns and behaviours by re-visiting existing qualitative data. The model uses inter-disciplinary approaches to research and investigation and draws from a variety of relevant...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2010: Foresight on Moods and Thoughts
Authors: Laura Fry, Rose Tomlins
Company: GfK
November 18, 2010

Research papers

Riding the value shift in market research

What is the biggest threat to the future of market research? This paper argues that deep, permanent changes in the competitive dynamics of market research are behind its growing commoditization and that of other trends like 'DIY' research. The...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: David G. Bakken
September 15, 2010

Research papers

From the Iliad to Odyssey

The market research profession has been consciously trying to evolve from a provider of data to a generator of insights and a consultant to management. The success of this transformation has been spotty and its pursuit may mask the need for more...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: C. Frederic John
Company: MasterCard
September 15, 2010

Research papers

Future media trends 2015

The exciting question for the future is how revolution in technology meets evolution in human behaviour. With the study Future Media Trends we focus on the evolution of human behaviour: A theoretical framework for understanding this change is the...

Catalogue: WM3 2009: Change Is In The Air...
Authors: Bernhard Engel, Natalie Beisch
May 7, 2009

Research papers

Marketing research in 2038

In the year 2038, ESOMAR's newly-formed Committee for Industry Standards devised the ultimate plan. They would reshape the Future by changing the Past. The plan called for someone - or rather something - that felt no pity. No pain. No fear. Something...

Catalogue: Congress 2008: Frontiers
Author: Teddy Langschmidt
September 26, 2008

Research papers

Using qualitative research to assist a B2B client's commercialisation strategy

This paper examines the requirements for and issues occurring in designing and conducting research in a B2B (non-fast moving consumer goods) environment, and for non-researchers, on an international and qualitative research project. It examines the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Worldwide Qualitative Conference 2001: The Business Value Of Emotional Intelligence
Author: Neil McPhee
Company: MSS Research
October 28, 2001

Research papers

New economy, new marketing, new research

This Conference addresses the future of Market Research and what we can do to enhance our role in these new times when so many areas are being redefined.

Catalogue: Latin America 2001
Author: José Ignacio Wert
May 1, 2001

Research papers


This paper takes a critical look at the explosion of online research activity. Of particular interest is the extent to which the Internet-based research models currently gaining sway could undermine the market research industry’s heritage. At...

Catalogue: Latin America 2001
Authors: Paul Hennebry, Steve Barlow
May 1, 2001

Research papers

Faster and more effective decision-making through web-based reporting

This paper provides an overview of web-based reporting across a number of dimensions, including why the web should be considered for data reporting; which research applications are most suitable for the web; and what considerations are important when...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Net Effects 2001
Author: Wally Balden
Company: Maritz Research
February 11, 2001