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The thermometer (Spanish)

In moments of crisis, it can be tempting to adopt a safe, reactive approach. But at Unilever, we know that this is the moment in which a successful company's skills and the strength of their brands are put to the test. Since 2013, our holistic...

Catalogue: Latin America 2018: Market Intelligence Festival for Latin America
Authors: Agustina Suner, Daniela Gail
Company: Unilever
May 14, 2018

Research papers

The thermometer

In moments of crisis, it can be tempting to adopt a safe, reactive approach. But at Unilever, we know that this is the moment in which a successful company's skills and the strength of their brands are put to the test. Since 2013, our holistic...

Catalogue: Latin America 2018: Market Intelligence Festival for Latin America
Authors: Agustina Suner, Daniela Gail
Company: Unilever
March 13, 2018

Research papers

How to avoid the pitfalls of multi-country research

Researchers and end-users face several problems in understand the Latin American consumer because of the cultural diversity and its impact in terms of attitudes and behaviour.The same stimuli will probably have different, and even opposite, effects...

Catalogue: Latin America 2005
Author: Jorge García-González
October 23, 2005

Research papers

The effects of violence on the tourism potential of Northern Ireland as measured by market research

The 1969 saw the beginning of the civil disturbances which, as we all now know, were to escalate far beyond anything that could have been imagined back in those days of relative innocence. The small down- turn in visitors in that year coincided with...

Catalogue: Seminar 1983: The importance Of Research In The Tourism Industry
Authors: Ian G. Henderson, Cathal Mullaghan
June 15, 1983

Research papers

Reliability and sensitivity of research surveys

Elements of the design and operation of large scale surveys introduce sources of error not adequately dealt with in normal textbook formulae. Nevertheless, it is often possible by comparing the results of replicated surveys to arrive at objective and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1983: Demonstrating The Contribution Of Research
Author: Norman L. Webb
Company: Gallup International Association
June 15, 1983

Research reports

Qualitative research on Dettol promotions

A number of promotional ideas have beendeveloped for Dettol, and it was desired totest the acceptability of these amongst purchasers and potential purchasers of thebrand. The prime objectives of the research reported here were: 1. To assess the...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
May 1, 1977

Research reports

Notes on an analysis of female drop-out respondents from two UK repeat purchase survey

The present report contains an analysis of thedemographic characteristics of females who were nolonger using Grecian 2000 when contacted either in either theAugust 1974 or April 1975 Repeat Purchase Surveys.These characteristics are related to...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1975

Research papers

In-store designs

For in-store designs one has to define a standard of measurement. In most cases it is no use to design something with the use of only one store. It is preferable to use a reasonable number of stores. Great attention should be paid to the unsolvable...

Catalogue: Seminar 1975: Product Range Policy In Retailing And Co-operation With Manufacturers
Author: Benno Stoppelman
August 1, 1975

Research reports

Quantitative research into new forms of can opening

Thomassen and Drijver-Verblifa N.V. are currentlyprogressing the development of a new method of sealingand opening cans of Luncheon Meat using a glued-on flexiblestrip to be pulled off by an integral pull tab. Consumer research on the new method was...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1975